Broken kittens update
You may remember 5 days ago five tiny kittens were brought to us with suspected but unknown injuries.
Within 24 hours 2 of the kittens died from their injuries which left us caring for these 3 little monkeys, Dandelion, Thistle and Nettles.
We have been feeding them every 2 – 3 hours around tge clock to build them up so that they would be strong enough for a full clinical assessment.
Today, Dandelion, Thistle and Nettles have been to the vets.
It appears that Dandelion has 2 broken hind limbs, Thistle has a broken front limb and Nettles has a likely broken tail.
How can kittens so young sustain such terrible injuries??
Please note that these kittenscare criticaly ill and are not being considered for adoption. We do not know what their future holds at tgis time.
Unfortunately due to the high numbers of enquiries and the 24/7 critical care our team is providing, we cannot no longer provide individual updates as this takes precious time that is needed to look after the animals .
Please follow our social media platforms for relevant updates