Madrid & Murica Update 17th Jul, 2024 Posted in: News - Madrid & Murica Update Madrid and Murcia finally arrived with us critically ill following a 36 hour delay.They were filthy, anaemic, dehydrated, hypoglycemic, hypothermic full of fleas and with a very heavy worm burden and sticky eyes!!After 48 hours of intensive nursing care they are finally starting to feel a…
Euro Update 17th Jul, 2024 Posted in: News - Euro Update Euro update. It's 48 hours since Euro arrived with us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary.As you can see in the images below Euro is looking and feeling much brighter. He remains under nourished and we are slowly building him up . He is currently eating Hills…
New Arrival: Eight Week Old Kittens 14th Jul, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Eight Week Old Kittens Many of you will have seen the high profile post about the 3 x eight week old kittens that were ill and in need of rescue yesterday.I responded on the post yesterday lunchtime and recieved a reply at 7.15pm yesterday evening….. then nothing.This teatime…
New Arrival: Piglet 14th Jul, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Piglet New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary today.This is little Piglet. It would seem that Piglet has had a traumatic weekend, firstly found laid on a kerb unable to move by a member of the public, and then being passed from pillar to post because…
COOT, GRACKLE, CROW, RAVEN AND ROOK 14th Jul, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - COOT, GRACKLE, CROW, RAVEN AND ROOK New arrivals at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This little nest of kittens arrived with us yesterday following a very self admitted irresponsible pet owner who failed to get her cat neutered. As the kittens have got older, become more active and mischievous…
Emergency Arrival: Euro 14th Jul, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Emergency Arrival: Euro New emergency arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary . This is little Euro . We recieved a call about an hour ago about an apparent found poorly kitten found in a garden in BD8. The finder rang us and couldn't help. They told us that they…
Carbonara Update 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: News - Carbonara Update Just over a week ago you may remember Carbonara have life saving surgery. A specialist scan of her chest revealed that Carbonara had a diaphragmatic hernia. The diaphragm is a muscular partition which separates the abdomen from the chest. If a hole or tear in the diaphragm is…
Adopted: Dinky Dorothy 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Adopted: Dinky Dorothy We are delighted to tell you that Dinky Dorothy who is now 18 weeks old has finally been rehomed. Dinky Dorothy remains very Dinky, around the size of a 10 week old kitten , however has had no signs of any illness during her extended stay with…
Events Update 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Events - Events Update Please note Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary will NOT THE OPEN THIS WEEKEND AS WE A CLOSED FOR ESSENTIAL MAINTENANCE... We will definitely be open on Sunday 21st July and you are all invited to join Flora and friends to celebrate Floras 1st Birthday..... more details to…
Pebbles Update and Thank You! 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Pebbles Update and Thank you! We are delighted to tell you that over the weekend Pebbles Diabetes has remained stable . She is taking her oral medication like a champ and eating well. We are so thankful for all the donations of Libre Sensors and food for Pebbles, plus financial…
Carbonara’s £1 Coin Appeal 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Carbonara's £1 Appeal You may remember the story of Carbonara and her Pasta kittens, a known stray cat who gave birth to her kittens in her feeders house. Sadly one of her kittens, Spaghetti , was born with gastroschisis and without urgent intricate surgery, he would not survive. Unfortunately, even…
New Arrival: Pebbles 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Pebbles 14 year old Pebbles joined us last week, as her owner was facing imminent end of life care. Pebbles was hard for the family to place as not only was her age a barrier to rescue support, she also has Diabetes and is dependent on monitoring and…
Adoptions: Rozetta and Sweet Musk 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Adoptions: Rozetta and Sweet Musk Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary are delighted to tell you that Adorable Rozetta and Sweet Musk have both been adopted and have gone to their forever families. Rozetta is 2 years old. She was very much loved by her owner however they were not…
Adopted: Shadow 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Adopted: Shadow We are delighted to tell you that our adorable Shadow has now left Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary and been adopted. We are so happy to hear that he is settling so well already.
Adopted: Lenny and Penny 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Adopted: Lenny and Penny Lenny and Penny, the last of their litter have just been adopted and left Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. We will soon have lots of young and not so young adults looking for a home!
A Happy Ending for Alvin and Norman D 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - A Happy Ending for Alvin and Norman D Sometimes here at the Sanctuary beautiful friendships are made. Alvin and Norman D. were both in intensive care as neighbours and when their recovery was almost complete they accidentally met. Immediately they became the best of friends and Alvin became Norman's Ears...…
Recent Adoptions 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Recent Adoptions It's been a busy day today at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary with lots of adoptions. Bellingham, Moley & Mouse, Jennie, Kenny, Benni and Mollie have all left Camp Cat watch and gone to their purrrrrfect and Furever homes this afternoon.
New Arrival: Mollie 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Mollie New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary Today Mollie came to us a littke traumatised as her owner had suddenly died and Mollie was with her deceased owner for 3 days. Mollie is around 5 to 6 months old and already is proving herself to…
New Arrivals: Cinders, Bibbidy, Bobbidi and Boo 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrivals: Cinders, Bibbidy, Bobbidi and Boo Hey Mama so we might just wanna hitch a ride!! Here you can see Cinders, Bibbidy, Bobbidi and Boo settling in at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 2 days after being taken to the PDSA.
Angelos Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Angelos Update Little Angelos has been with us just one week and is being such a brave little soldier. He has a fractured tibia (the long bone in the leg) and possibly pelvic fractures too. Angelos is being cared for in intensive care by our critical care team. He has…
Adopting Double Trouble! 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Adopting Double Trouble! DID YOU KNOW?? We currently have several pairs of kittens looking for a home. Kittens just love being together; anyone who has watched two kittens play together can see how much they enjoy chasing and playing with each other and then collapsing in a heap together to…
Dijon Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Dijon Update Exactly 6 weeks ago today we were horrified and shocked when little Dijon started hemorrhagic vomiting over 10 times in 15 minutes. It was so alarming and we rushed her to the vets. Dijons condition rapidly declined and despite the amazing veterinary care she received at Northcote Veterinary…
Billy Whizz Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Billy Whizz Update Little Whizzy arrived over the weekend presenting with serious injuries. Today he spent the day at the vets having tests, xrays and examinations. Whilst he is only the weight and size of a 12 week old kitten, he is developmentally 6-7 months old. ( teeth and bone…
New Arrival: Billy Whizz 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Billy Whizz This is Billy Whizz . Little Whizzy was brought to us yesterday by his finders in Manchester as they were unsure how to help him best. He was found living outside in squalor with other cats and kittens and we are unsure if they are related.…
Peggy Sue Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Update: Peggy Sue Peggy Sue has been at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 15 weeks. She came in heavily pregnant and gave birth to 3 beautiful kittens who she raised amazingly. Last week Peggy's kittens went to new homes and today is Peggy's Adoption Day.
Xavier and Aviva Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Xavier and Aviva have just been adopted. They came to us hours old found under a car with their mummy. 10 weeks later, after being at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary they have found their forever family.
New Arrival: NormanD 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: NormanD This is NormanD. He was dumped outside the rescue boundary late in the evening earlier this month. NormanD is almost certainly deaf and will eventually be looking for an indoor only home. He is booked in for his initial health assessment in the next few days .
New Arrival: Angelos 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Angelos This is Angelos. Angelos arrived with us unexpected earlier today. We could notv.ccertain any information except "fallen". He was taken to the vets and after a couple of xrays it was established that he does have a fractured tibia (the long bone in the leg) and possible…
Dijon Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Dijon Update Little Dijon is feeling a bit sorry for herself this evening. Unfortunately over the last 48 hours her condition had dipped once more. Despite her deteriorating consition and concerning bloods due to anorexia we had to make a massive decision today and discussed with the vets the real…
A Very Sad Update: Manisha 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News, Paws at Peace - A very sad update: Manisha Quite tragically, we have recently lost little Manisha. It's come as a total shock, and we are struggling to come to terms with it. Manisha was displaying odd behaviour and anatomically didn't feel right. She went straight to vets.... fully conscious bright and alert... just…
Winter Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Winter Update So it would seem we are Winning with Winter. This poor little kitten came to us almost 17 months ago. A tiny kitten weighing less than 300g, 2 broken back legs, hypoglycemic, a serious head trauma resulting in permanent blindness and seizures. Not one day has gone by…
New Arrival: Alvin 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Alvin New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is little Alvin. Alvin was "found "in a garden terribly ill, and riddled with fleas. He received emergency overnight care and snuggled up in intensive care in our Critical Care ward. Almost 24 hours later, just look…
New Arrival: Carbonara 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Carbonara Today we were called to a very urgent situation. A known stray cat had hopped through a window as usual for morning snack!! Shortly after she gave birth to 4 kittens. The feeder panicked and called us for help. Carbonara and her 4 kittens Ravioli, Farfelle, Pappadelle…
Dijon Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Dijon Update Little Dijon isn't recovering as fast as we would like with the initial treatment plan. She is still pretty low and is having episodes of hemorrhagic vomiting which is quite alarming for all the volunteers to witness. This morning she was booked in for an emergency ultrasound scan…
New Arrival: Picnic 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Picnic Picnic Adventure. Last night Picnic arrived with us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. Her owner had taken her to a vet. The owner felt she had been in labour 3 days, straining and panting. With this information, coupled with the discomfort she was in, our…
New Arrival: Sir Henry 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Sir Henry New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Sir Henry. Unneutered, unchipped. Sir Henry was brought to us late last night following being found barely alive dehydrated, with multiple infected wounds and dreadful dental issues. He received emergency care overnight and spent the morning…
Dijon Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Dijon Update Dijon has spent the last 2 days in the vets following a sudden bout of vomiting fresh blood. Dijon is now hopefully on the mend . She has been treat for duodenal ulceration, remains on I intravenous fluid therapy and has had medication to help. This afternoon Dijon…
Dora Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News, Purrfect Companions - Dora Update Dora our Purrfect Companion has moved into a foster home so that she can relax in a homely environment whilst her owner recovers. Sadly her human companion is back in hospital. In brief Purrfect Companions is a foster scheme for elderly people... cats can have such therapeutic values...…
Recent Adoptions 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Recent Adoptions What a very busy weekend it's been @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. 12 cats and kittens have gone to their forever homes. We hope that Peanut, Cashew, Walnut, Pine, Pecan, Pistachio, Daisy Mae, Doris, Duncan, Delia, Metro And Mini are all settling into their new homes.
New Arrival: Chutney 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Chutney New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Little Chutney. Chutney was found, dehydrated, weak and starving in a field in Bradford. Emergency care had been given and she is starting to perk up a little.
Winter Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Winter Update Many of you will have been following Winter's progress since she arrived at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 17 months ago. She was such a poorly kitten with multiple fractures and serious head trauma. Whilst Winter has made amazing progress, her head trauma has caused brain damage…
New Arrival: Baxter 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Baxter New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Baxter. Baxter was laid/ collapsed and injured in a pile of rubbish at the side of the road in BD5 in baking sun. Unneutered, unchipped and filthy.... this boys street days are over! He is such a…
Launching Therapaws 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News, Therapaws - Launching Therapaws CARROTS HAS BEEN WORKING AGAIN THIS WEEK!! Last month we launched Therapaws !!! Therapaws is a new and unique Animal Assisted Intervention through Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary working in non clinical environments. This week we launched Therapaws at The Glen Nursing Home in Baildon and visited…
New Arrival: Mavis 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Mavis New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is little Mavis who is around 6 weeks old. Mavis was brought to the Sanctuary earlier this week with badly injured hind limbs. We took her to the vets where she had xrays which revealed serious soft tissue…
Metro and Minnie Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Metro and Minnie Update Metro and Mini update. This gorgeous pair, mum and daughter at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary have been to the vets this morning for their pre adoption health check and first Vaccine. These black beauties have been given a clean bill of health and despite…
Dorothy Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Dorothy Update Look at Dinky Dorothy. Dorothy came to us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary just over 4 weeks ago as she was failing to thrive, had neurological issues and wasn't able to feed well. Whilst Dorothy is now eating really well she remains very small and is…
JJ Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - JJ Update Who remembers Jimmy Junior? JJ has been with us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 5 weeks following being found and covered in diahorrea. Just see how amazing he looks now after care and love!! JJ is not quite ready to look for his forever family just…
Cherry Blossom Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Cherry Blossom Update Cherry Blossom is looking after her kittens beautifully. Our foster families are amazing @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary.
Alaska Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Alaska Update We are delighted to tell you that Alaska has now gone to her Purrfect and Furever home after spending many weeks in Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary with one of our fabulous fosterers. Alaska has been a fantastic mum and we wish her luck with her new…
Meet Purrfect Companion Dora 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News, Purrfect Companions - Meet Purrfect Companion Dora This is adorable Dora. Dora has been living with one of our fabulous Purrfect Companion Fosterers for many years. Unfortunately Dora's Human Companion is currently in hospital so we are looking after Dora. In brief Purrfect Companions is a foster scheme for the older community ..…
Madrid & Murica Update 17th Jul, 2024 Posted in: News - Madrid & Murica Update Madrid and Murcia finally arrived with us critically ill following a 36 hour delay.They were filthy, anaemic, dehydrated, hypoglycemic, hypothermic full of fleas and with a very heavy worm burden and sticky eyes!!After 48 hours of intensive nursing care they are finally starting to feel a…
Euro Update 17th Jul, 2024 Posted in: News - Euro Update Euro update. It's 48 hours since Euro arrived with us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary.As you can see in the images below Euro is looking and feeling much brighter. He remains under nourished and we are slowly building him up . He is currently eating Hills…
New Arrival: Eight Week Old Kittens 14th Jul, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Eight Week Old Kittens Many of you will have seen the high profile post about the 3 x eight week old kittens that were ill and in need of rescue yesterday.I responded on the post yesterday lunchtime and recieved a reply at 7.15pm yesterday evening….. then nothing.This teatime…
New Arrival: Piglet 14th Jul, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Piglet New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary today.This is little Piglet. It would seem that Piglet has had a traumatic weekend, firstly found laid on a kerb unable to move by a member of the public, and then being passed from pillar to post because…
COOT, GRACKLE, CROW, RAVEN AND ROOK 14th Jul, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - COOT, GRACKLE, CROW, RAVEN AND ROOK New arrivals at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This little nest of kittens arrived with us yesterday following a very self admitted irresponsible pet owner who failed to get her cat neutered. As the kittens have got older, become more active and mischievous…
Emergency Arrival: Euro 14th Jul, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Emergency Arrival: Euro New emergency arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary . This is little Euro . We recieved a call about an hour ago about an apparent found poorly kitten found in a garden in BD8. The finder rang us and couldn't help. They told us that they…
Carbonara Update 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: News - Carbonara Update Just over a week ago you may remember Carbonara have life saving surgery. A specialist scan of her chest revealed that Carbonara had a diaphragmatic hernia. The diaphragm is a muscular partition which separates the abdomen from the chest. If a hole or tear in the diaphragm is…
Adopted: Dinky Dorothy 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Adopted: Dinky Dorothy We are delighted to tell you that Dinky Dorothy who is now 18 weeks old has finally been rehomed. Dinky Dorothy remains very Dinky, around the size of a 10 week old kitten , however has had no signs of any illness during her extended stay with…
Events Update 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Events - Events Update Please note Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary will NOT THE OPEN THIS WEEKEND AS WE A CLOSED FOR ESSENTIAL MAINTENANCE... We will definitely be open on Sunday 21st July and you are all invited to join Flora and friends to celebrate Floras 1st Birthday..... more details to…
Pebbles Update and Thank You! 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Pebbles Update and Thank you! We are delighted to tell you that over the weekend Pebbles Diabetes has remained stable . She is taking her oral medication like a champ and eating well. We are so thankful for all the donations of Libre Sensors and food for Pebbles, plus financial…
Carbonara’s £1 Coin Appeal 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Carbonara's £1 Appeal You may remember the story of Carbonara and her Pasta kittens, a known stray cat who gave birth to her kittens in her feeders house. Sadly one of her kittens, Spaghetti , was born with gastroschisis and without urgent intricate surgery, he would not survive. Unfortunately, even…
New Arrival: Pebbles 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Pebbles 14 year old Pebbles joined us last week, as her owner was facing imminent end of life care. Pebbles was hard for the family to place as not only was her age a barrier to rescue support, she also has Diabetes and is dependent on monitoring and…
Adoptions: Rozetta and Sweet Musk 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Adoptions: Rozetta and Sweet Musk Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary are delighted to tell you that Adorable Rozetta and Sweet Musk have both been adopted and have gone to their forever families. Rozetta is 2 years old. She was very much loved by her owner however they were not…
Adopted: Shadow 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Adopted: Shadow We are delighted to tell you that our adorable Shadow has now left Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary and been adopted. We are so happy to hear that he is settling so well already.
Adopted: Lenny and Penny 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Adopted: Lenny and Penny Lenny and Penny, the last of their litter have just been adopted and left Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. We will soon have lots of young and not so young adults looking for a home!
A Happy Ending for Alvin and Norman D 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - A Happy Ending for Alvin and Norman D Sometimes here at the Sanctuary beautiful friendships are made. Alvin and Norman D. were both in intensive care as neighbours and when their recovery was almost complete they accidentally met. Immediately they became the best of friends and Alvin became Norman's Ears...…
Recent Adoptions 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Recent Adoptions It's been a busy day today at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary with lots of adoptions. Bellingham, Moley & Mouse, Jennie, Kenny, Benni and Mollie have all left Camp Cat watch and gone to their purrrrrfect and Furever homes this afternoon.
New Arrival: Mollie 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Mollie New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary Today Mollie came to us a littke traumatised as her owner had suddenly died and Mollie was with her deceased owner for 3 days. Mollie is around 5 to 6 months old and already is proving herself to…
New Arrivals: Cinders, Bibbidy, Bobbidi and Boo 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrivals: Cinders, Bibbidy, Bobbidi and Boo Hey Mama so we might just wanna hitch a ride!! Here you can see Cinders, Bibbidy, Bobbidi and Boo settling in at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 2 days after being taken to the PDSA.
Angelos Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Angelos Update Little Angelos has been with us just one week and is being such a brave little soldier. He has a fractured tibia (the long bone in the leg) and possibly pelvic fractures too. Angelos is being cared for in intensive care by our critical care team. He has…
Adopting Double Trouble! 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Adopting Double Trouble! DID YOU KNOW?? We currently have several pairs of kittens looking for a home. Kittens just love being together; anyone who has watched two kittens play together can see how much they enjoy chasing and playing with each other and then collapsing in a heap together to…
Dijon Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Dijon Update Exactly 6 weeks ago today we were horrified and shocked when little Dijon started hemorrhagic vomiting over 10 times in 15 minutes. It was so alarming and we rushed her to the vets. Dijons condition rapidly declined and despite the amazing veterinary care she received at Northcote Veterinary…
Billy Whizz Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Billy Whizz Update Little Whizzy arrived over the weekend presenting with serious injuries. Today he spent the day at the vets having tests, xrays and examinations. Whilst he is only the weight and size of a 12 week old kitten, he is developmentally 6-7 months old. ( teeth and bone…
New Arrival: Billy Whizz 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Billy Whizz This is Billy Whizz . Little Whizzy was brought to us yesterday by his finders in Manchester as they were unsure how to help him best. He was found living outside in squalor with other cats and kittens and we are unsure if they are related.…
Peggy Sue Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Update: Peggy Sue Peggy Sue has been at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 15 weeks. She came in heavily pregnant and gave birth to 3 beautiful kittens who she raised amazingly. Last week Peggy's kittens went to new homes and today is Peggy's Adoption Day.
Xavier and Aviva Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Xavier and Aviva have just been adopted. They came to us hours old found under a car with their mummy. 10 weeks later, after being at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary they have found their forever family.
New Arrival: NormanD 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: NormanD This is NormanD. He was dumped outside the rescue boundary late in the evening earlier this month. NormanD is almost certainly deaf and will eventually be looking for an indoor only home. He is booked in for his initial health assessment in the next few days .
New Arrival: Angelos 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Angelos This is Angelos. Angelos arrived with us unexpected earlier today. We could notv.ccertain any information except "fallen". He was taken to the vets and after a couple of xrays it was established that he does have a fractured tibia (the long bone in the leg) and possible…
Dijon Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Dijon Update Little Dijon is feeling a bit sorry for herself this evening. Unfortunately over the last 48 hours her condition had dipped once more. Despite her deteriorating consition and concerning bloods due to anorexia we had to make a massive decision today and discussed with the vets the real…
A Very Sad Update: Manisha 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News, Paws at Peace - A very sad update: Manisha Quite tragically, we have recently lost little Manisha. It's come as a total shock, and we are struggling to come to terms with it. Manisha was displaying odd behaviour and anatomically didn't feel right. She went straight to vets.... fully conscious bright and alert... just…
Winter Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Winter Update So it would seem we are Winning with Winter. This poor little kitten came to us almost 17 months ago. A tiny kitten weighing less than 300g, 2 broken back legs, hypoglycemic, a serious head trauma resulting in permanent blindness and seizures. Not one day has gone by…
New Arrival: Alvin 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Alvin New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is little Alvin. Alvin was "found "in a garden terribly ill, and riddled with fleas. He received emergency overnight care and snuggled up in intensive care in our Critical Care ward. Almost 24 hours later, just look…
New Arrival: Carbonara 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Carbonara Today we were called to a very urgent situation. A known stray cat had hopped through a window as usual for morning snack!! Shortly after she gave birth to 4 kittens. The feeder panicked and called us for help. Carbonara and her 4 kittens Ravioli, Farfelle, Pappadelle…
Dijon Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Dijon Update Little Dijon isn't recovering as fast as we would like with the initial treatment plan. She is still pretty low and is having episodes of hemorrhagic vomiting which is quite alarming for all the volunteers to witness. This morning she was booked in for an emergency ultrasound scan…
New Arrival: Picnic 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Picnic Picnic Adventure. Last night Picnic arrived with us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. Her owner had taken her to a vet. The owner felt she had been in labour 3 days, straining and panting. With this information, coupled with the discomfort she was in, our…
New Arrival: Sir Henry 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Sir Henry New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Sir Henry. Unneutered, unchipped. Sir Henry was brought to us late last night following being found barely alive dehydrated, with multiple infected wounds and dreadful dental issues. He received emergency care overnight and spent the morning…
Dijon Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Dijon Update Dijon has spent the last 2 days in the vets following a sudden bout of vomiting fresh blood. Dijon is now hopefully on the mend . She has been treat for duodenal ulceration, remains on I intravenous fluid therapy and has had medication to help. This afternoon Dijon…
Dora Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News, Purrfect Companions - Dora Update Dora our Purrfect Companion has moved into a foster home so that she can relax in a homely environment whilst her owner recovers. Sadly her human companion is back in hospital. In brief Purrfect Companions is a foster scheme for elderly people... cats can have such therapeutic values...…
Recent Adoptions 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Recent Adoptions What a very busy weekend it's been @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. 12 cats and kittens have gone to their forever homes. We hope that Peanut, Cashew, Walnut, Pine, Pecan, Pistachio, Daisy Mae, Doris, Duncan, Delia, Metro And Mini are all settling into their new homes.
New Arrival: Chutney 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Chutney New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Little Chutney. Chutney was found, dehydrated, weak and starving in a field in Bradford. Emergency care had been given and she is starting to perk up a little.
Winter Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Winter Update Many of you will have been following Winter's progress since she arrived at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 17 months ago. She was such a poorly kitten with multiple fractures and serious head trauma. Whilst Winter has made amazing progress, her head trauma has caused brain damage…
New Arrival: Baxter 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Baxter New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Baxter. Baxter was laid/ collapsed and injured in a pile of rubbish at the side of the road in BD5 in baking sun. Unneutered, unchipped and filthy.... this boys street days are over! He is such a…
Launching Therapaws 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News, Therapaws - Launching Therapaws CARROTS HAS BEEN WORKING AGAIN THIS WEEK!! Last month we launched Therapaws !!! Therapaws is a new and unique Animal Assisted Intervention through Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary working in non clinical environments. This week we launched Therapaws at The Glen Nursing Home in Baildon and visited…
New Arrival: Mavis 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Mavis New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is little Mavis who is around 6 weeks old. Mavis was brought to the Sanctuary earlier this week with badly injured hind limbs. We took her to the vets where she had xrays which revealed serious soft tissue…
Metro and Minnie Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Metro and Minnie Update Metro and Mini update. This gorgeous pair, mum and daughter at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary have been to the vets this morning for their pre adoption health check and first Vaccine. These black beauties have been given a clean bill of health and despite…
Dorothy Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Dorothy Update Look at Dinky Dorothy. Dorothy came to us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary just over 4 weeks ago as she was failing to thrive, had neurological issues and wasn't able to feed well. Whilst Dorothy is now eating really well she remains very small and is…
JJ Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - JJ Update Who remembers Jimmy Junior? JJ has been with us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 5 weeks following being found and covered in diahorrea. Just see how amazing he looks now after care and love!! JJ is not quite ready to look for his forever family just…
Cherry Blossom Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Cherry Blossom Update Cherry Blossom is looking after her kittens beautifully. Our foster families are amazing @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary.
Alaska Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Alaska Update We are delighted to tell you that Alaska has now gone to her Purrfect and Furever home after spending many weeks in Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary with one of our fabulous fosterers. Alaska has been a fantastic mum and we wish her luck with her new…
Meet Purrfect Companion Dora 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News, Purrfect Companions - Meet Purrfect Companion Dora This is adorable Dora. Dora has been living with one of our fabulous Purrfect Companion Fosterers for many years. Unfortunately Dora's Human Companion is currently in hospital so we are looking after Dora. In brief Purrfect Companions is a foster scheme for the older community ..…

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