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New Arrival: Picnic

Picnic Adventure.

Last night Picnic arrived with us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary.

Her owner had taken her to a vet. The owner felt she had been in labour 3 days, straining and panting.

With this information, coupled with the discomfort she was in, our amazing vets at Northcote opted for a ceaserian and thank goodness they did.

The uterus was green, the kittens came out unable to breathe. Each kitten was revived and mum was in surgery for hours.

Just to complicate matters, Picnic was full of fleas and therefore anemic too.

1 vet, 3 nurses and I worked on the kittens to enable them to start breathing again.

Had the surgery have been delayed, both mum and all the kittens would probably be dead by tomorrow morning.

A massive thankyou to Gemma and the team at Northcote for your quick actions, knowledge and expertise in helping Picnic and her kittens .

We hope to reunite mum and kittens in the coming days once she has recovered from the traumatic major surgery.

I will be feeding the kittens every hour in intensive care until they are reunited with mum .

We are desperate for financial support for this surgery and the total cost of her care and the kittens which will be in the region of around £2000.

The kittens prognosis is poor but paws crossed they will get more wriggly and stronger with each feed.

If you would like to donate towards the vet care at the rescue there are several ways you can do this.

* The easiest way to donate is via PayPal using as the recipient. please select the friends and family option so we are not charged a fee.

*you can donate by calling our vets at Northcote and making a card payment. Their telephone number is 01274 632222. Please quote BCWR.

*another way to donate is via a monthly standing order or by bank transfer for individual donations.

You will need the following information to do this:


Sort code: 77.71.62

Acct number: 15692060

We also welcome donations via a cheque.

The rescue address is BCWR, 1 Ashbourne Ave Bradford BD2 4AW.

Cheques are to be made payable to BCWR KITTENS.

Many thanks