Mango Update
Mango update.
Many of you will have been following the story of our tiny kitten Mango who has a multitude of issues.
He presented with flu, ear infection, constipation and after a short few hours we realised his condition was much worse than we first thought.
He was unable to pee or poop kn his own , walk or hold his head up and also shows signs of brain damage.
For 11 days we have taken care of his every need including expressing his bladder and manipulating his colon.
Yesterday Mango went for Xrays though he wasn’t well enough, these were done conscious.
Whilst the xrays were not entirely conclusive it’s likely Mango has multiple fractures of the pelvis and spine, traumatic head injury and also possible metabolic disorders too.
The good news is Mango is showing signs of improvement at last. He has started walking a littke and has even peed in his litter tray this morning.
Mango does have a long road to recovery and will need many repeat examinations, tests and xrays.
If you would like to donate towards Mangos care here is how you can help.
* The easiest way to donate is via PayPal using as the recipient. please select the friends and family option so we are not charged a fee.
*you can donate by calling our vets at Northcote and making a card payment. Their telephone number is 01274 632222. Please quote BCWR.
*another way to donate is via a monthly standing order or by bank transfer for individual donations.
You will need the following information to do this:
Sort code: 77.71.62
Acct number: 15692060
We also welcome donations via a cheque.
The rescue address is BCWR, 1 Ashbourne Ave Bradford BD2 4AW.
Cheques are to be made payable to BCWR KITTENS.
Many thanks