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Rolla’s Big Surgery Day

It was Rolla’s big surgery day today!

Rolla had major suegery today to have the remnants if his eyes removed. Rolla and his brother Roman have been in the Sanctuary for 3 weeks. Roman had his surgery last week.

We believe that some awful substance has been sprayed in their eyes causing irreparable damage.
Such big surgery in such little kittens is very dangerous however in their case hopefully will be lifesaving.

We are still raising funds for Romans surgery last week and now Rollas today. Total surgery costs for both are are around £1600.

Rolla’s surgery was very successful and she was comforted by the lovely team at Northcote Veterinary Surgery and his sibling Roman.

Having both eyes removed is major and intricate surgery and despite the risks, for this pair it was also life saving. They have both had their supper and are now cuddled up for the night.

Thank you to everyone who has donated towards their care so far.

If you could donate just £1 all the ways you can help are on our donate page.