
Not all cats and kittens who join us at BCWR are suited to rehoming in a family environment and we pride ourselves in our dedication and unique approach that we have towards those cats and kittens with severe disabilities or those that require that extra amount of tender loving care. These cats and kittens stay with us here at BCWR where we can offer them safe and secure environment for the rest of their lives.

When working with these cats and kitties with extra special needs we work within our own S.E.N.S.E framework. We consider their individual needs and we work with every single cat to ensure that they have the best possible quality of life in 5 key elements of their care:– Safe
– Enriching
– Nurturing
– Sensory
– Environment

Your sponsorship will help us to continue providing the specialist care for the cats and kittens who live at the rescue under the SENSE Framework.

To sponsor one of our SENSE cats please complete the attached standing order form and take this to your bank. Alternatively, you can set the payment up through your online banking using the banking details on the standing order form.

We kindly ask for a minimum donation of £5 per month, for this you will receive the following: A sponsorship welcome pack containing a sponsor certificate, a photo and some background information and one of our special handmade S.E.N.S.E badges of your chosen cat. Regular updates and photos of your chosen cat.

Please email katiebcwr@gmail.com for further information