BCWR’s 14th Birthday
14 Years ago today my life changed completely.
After a busy night shift nursing on a Children’s ward at St James Hospital Leeds I suddenly found myself with 17 cats…. and from this moment on BRADFORD CAT WATCH RESCUE was born.
For the last 14 years I have opened my home, my heart and my life to cats in need.
There is no way I could have done this alone…many volunteers have joined me on this rollercoaster ride.
There are so many supporters of the Rescue who give their time, money gifts and encouragement…. and without any of this we would not be the strong thriving team that we are today.
The numbers never quite add up… and there is certainly more demand than there is supply… however over the last 14 years we rescued, rehabilitated and rehomed over 6000 cats and kittens.
Throughout our time the rescue has seen much change.
We have evolved into a strong team and the Rescue that we have become is unique in the care we can give each cat regardless of their age, disability, condition or care required….. we certainly could not be the Rescue we are today without the support of all the staff at our vets at NORTHCOTE Veterinary Surgery… who are always compassionate with every animal they see…. and patient with our constant outstanding bills.
Over the last year we have spent £62,000 on veterinary Intervention…. and usually are in a deficit of around £6k.
THANKYOU TO EVERYONE for being a part of the heart here at BCWR… your part is so important and keeps the heart beating everyday at the BCWR BIG CAT FAMILY.