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Bolton Update

Bolton Update
Bolton has been with us since Friday 20th of May, just over 2 weeks.

We were called out to rescue him from a garden where he was found injured dragging his body.

Before he could have general ananesthesia for xrays we spent the weekend nursing him in intensive care on our Critical Care Ward.
And we had an emergency situation with his bladder that was full of blood and clots which he was unable to pass.
An indwelling catheter was placed and left in place for a couple of days.

When Bolton was stable enough for xrays they revealed a horrendous fracture of the left femur which we believe was over 12 weeks old goodness knows how he sustained himself and survived on the streets for so long.
This will likely require, now life saving surgery in the near future however as his right leg had no sensation and we have been working really hard to help him improve function and mobility in this leg using TENS Therapy and physiotherapy.

We are delighted today as Bolton walked the whole length of Kitty Cottage unaided!
This is a massive step in the right direction and we can now start planning the next stage of his recovery
Whilst Boltons injuries are very serious, his life is now not thought to be in danger.
Bolton has a very long road to recovery.

If you woukd like to donate towards his care all the ways you can help are on our website:


Many thanks