Clarice Update
Many of you will have seen our new arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary who arrived 72 hours ago dreadfully ill, moments from death following being found near Bradford Royal Infirmary.
Frozen (literally), dehydrated blind and starving!
Well almost 72 hours later, 72 hours of exhausting intensive care on our Critical Care Ward and at the vets Clarice is feeling much brighter.
On the 1st night her temperature was 34c, barely readable, and today remains normal 38.4c
Clarice is eating well, her hydration is reasonable her bodily functions have returned to normal and she is enjoying the endless love from volunteers.
Her intravenous fluids have been able to be removed and she is now out of intensive care.
I want to thank everyone who has so far donated towards Clarices care.
Whilst her care continues she has been moved off our Critical Care ward into Transitional Care and we hope that soon she will be able to go experience a loving home with one of our volunteer foster families.