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Jimmy Update

❤🖤❤Jimmy Update ❤🖤❤

Jimmy has been with us now for 2 weeks.

❤He came in initially with horrendous burns to his paws.

🧡Since his arrival his paws are beginning to heal.

Whilst we never knew how Jimmy was so badly injured we initially thought that Jimmy had jumped on a hot surface such as an induction  hob.

💚Over the last 12 days or so, Jimmy  has developed horrific lesions in his mouth which would be consistant with  walking through a corrosive substance such as caustic soda, or battery acid, then licking his irritated paws.

💙Unfortunately Jimmy now cannot comfortably or safely eat himself  and we are having to support him nutritonally.

❤Today he underwent an anesthetic to have an oesophageol tube placed  so he can be comfortably  and safely fed whilst his wounds in his mouth heal.

We continue to provide supportive and intensive care around the clock for Jimmy.

🧡We remain confident that these injuries  have not been intentionally  inflicted  on Jimmy…. and this indeed was an accident due to the even depth and uniformed structure of the wounds on his  paws.

💚Jimmy now will be fed through the tube several times a day with diluted Royal Canin Recovery Mousse  and Royal Canin Recovery Liquid.

This method of feeding is likely to continue for weeks, if not months whilst the painful lesions in his mouth and throat heal.

💙If you wish to support  Jimmy’s care you can click the links below and purchase some of his life saving food…. (they are much more cost effective  via these links than on amazon)… although you may find it on other sites too.

❤Our address is 1 Ashbourne Ave Bradford BD2 4AW.

🐾🐾🐾Thankyou for all your support and a huge thanks again to Northcote Vetsfor all your dedication, compassion and support, and Gemma Townsend  who is currently  overseeing all our critical kitties care 🐾🐾🐾