New arrival @ BCWR
This is little old Lillian.
Lillian is blind and was found wandering round the streets in Leeds, circling, bumping into things and wandering into the road.
Volunteers rushed to her aid last night and we did discover She is microchipped however the contact details are upto date.
Apart from older heath issues, Lillian appears unharmed thankfully and is now safe at BCWR.
We will make every attempt to trace Lillians owner.
One of the most beautiful things we see in cat rescue is the utter joy from all parties when a cat is reunited with their owner.
Last night we were called to 22 year old Lily who was found in Leeds circling in the road and on the pavements.
Concerned residents contacted us.
It turns out that little Lily … who is an indoor cat went on an adventure last night…. and being deaf and blind, got herself lost.
Lily enjoyed her stay at The Air B(CWR ) and B however is as delighted as her family to be reunited.
Lily is microchipped however her owners contact details were not up to date, which is why we couldn’t contact them last night.
We are helping them update their contact details just incase little Lily gets lost again.
Please join us in this celebration tonight🙀