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New Arrival: Douglas

New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary.
This is Douglas.
Douglas is around 5 years old and was taken in to a vets following being found injured at the side of the road.He has no chip and there has been no luck in tracing an owner either.
Douglas has suffered significant injuries to his hip and left hind limb.
The hip is dislocated and despite all efforts it keeps popping back out.
Also there is a fracture lower down the limb and a nasty wound which is been treat with antibiotics.
Sadly this leg cannot be saved but with a little help his life can and we have taken a leap of faith and committed to helping this lovely lad.

Surgery is planned for Monday/Tuesday next week. …. and due to the dreadful cases we have recently taken on our funds are dry…. and for the first time in years we currently have a large vet debt or over £5k.

Could you help by Digging for Douglas so we can go ahead confidently with surgery next week.

  • The easiest way to donate is via PayPal using as the recipient. please select the friends and family option so we are not charged a fee.

*you can donate by calling our vets at Northcote and making a card payment. Their telephone number is 01274 632222. Please quote BCWR.

*another way to donate is via a monthly standing order or by bank transfer for individual donations.
You will need the following information to do this:
Sort code: 77.71.62
Acct number: 15692060

We also welcome donations via a cheque.

The rescue address is BCWR, 1 Ashbourne Ave Bradford BD2 4AW.
Cheques are to be made payable to BCWR KITTENS.

Many thanks

The surgery and care is going to cost us around £850