New arrival @ BCWR today.
This is Elderberry and we are delighted that we have now successfully reunited with her kittens, Raspberry, Strawberry and Blueberry . The kittens were rescued 6 days ago by an off duty police officer and unbeknown to them, another neighbour rang Allerton cat rescue concerned about a visiting cat.
We have been handrearing these little kittens for 6 days, feeding them every hour around the clock.
The community and Allerton Cat Rescue soon learnt that she was mum to our “Berry Kittens” and we have reunited them at BCWR this evening.
Mum is not overly sure about what’s going on but she is feeding her kittens after a lot of encouragement.
We will keep a close eye on mum and kittens and ensure that mum is looking after them.
Well done and Thankyou Allerton Cat Rescue.