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Sweep Update

Look what a difference our intensive care facilities make at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary …
In just 3 days look in the photos below how much better little soggy Sweep looks.

Did you know to run just one of our Intensive Care Units for just 24 hours costs us £1.64 in energy alone per 24 hours.

We have 3 units, meaning that in just 24 hours we can spend £4.92.

In this very difficult time could you sponsor 1 unit for just 1 day… just £1.64.

If you feel you can help that’s amazing but we understand for some, it is impossible… but in this difficult time we are always grateful for any kindness be it kind words, words of encouragement or donations.

  • The easiest way to donate is via PayPal using as the recipient. please select the friends and family option so we are not charged a fee.

*you can donate by calling our vets at Northcote and making a card payment. Their telephone number is 01274 632222. Please quote BCWR.

*another way to donate is via a monthly standing order or by bank transfer for individual donations.
You will need the following information to do this:
Sort code: 77.71.62
Acct number: 15692060

We also welcome donations via a cheque.

The rescue address is BCWR, 1 Ashbourne Ave Bradford BD2 4AW.
Cheques are to be made payable to BCWR KITTENS.

Many thanks