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Jimmy Update

Jimmy has been with us 23 days now and he is such a cheeky sweetheart.
When he arrived he could barely stand up due to his sore paws.
A short while later he developed the most horrific lesions in his mouth which suggests he had accidentally waded through a corrosive substance such as caustic soda or battery acid leaving him unable to walk, eat and in terrible pain.
Last week.. after days of battling with a syringe vs Jimmy… Jimmy was fitted with an oesophageol tube to ensure safe and painless nutritional support.
A couple of days ago Jimmy decided he didn’t like the tube …and pulled it out…. so yesterday Jimmy went through another general anesthetic to have a new tube inserted.
Hopefully Jimmy will be happier with this tube as it will need to be in place several weeks until his sore mouth heals.
His paws are healing really well now although we are still bathing them every day and applying “magic cream”.