Madrid & Murica Update 17th Jul, 2024 Posted in: News - Madrid & Murica Update Madrid and Murcia finally arrived with us critically ill following a 36 hour delay.They were filthy, anaemic, dehydrated, hypoglycemic, hypothermic full of fleas and with a very heavy worm burden and sticky eyes!!After 48 hours of intensive nursing care they are finally starting to feel a…
Euro Update 17th Jul, 2024 Posted in: News - Euro Update Euro update. It's 48 hours since Euro arrived with us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary.As you can see in the images below Euro is looking and feeling much brighter. He remains under nourished and we are slowly building him up . He is currently eating Hills…
New Arrival: Eight Week Old Kittens 14th Jul, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Eight Week Old Kittens Many of you will have seen the high profile post about the 3 x eight week old kittens that were ill and in need of rescue yesterday.I responded on the post yesterday lunchtime and recieved a reply at 7.15pm yesterday evening….. then nothing.This teatime…
New Arrival: Piglet 14th Jul, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Piglet New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary today.This is little Piglet. It would seem that Piglet has had a traumatic weekend, firstly found laid on a kerb unable to move by a member of the public, and then being passed from pillar to post because…
COOT, GRACKLE, CROW, RAVEN AND ROOK 14th Jul, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - COOT, GRACKLE, CROW, RAVEN AND ROOK New arrivals at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This little nest of kittens arrived with us yesterday following a very self admitted irresponsible pet owner who failed to get her cat neutered. As the kittens have got older, become more active and mischievous…
Emergency Arrival: Euro 14th Jul, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Emergency Arrival: Euro New emergency arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary . This is little Euro . We recieved a call about an hour ago about an apparent found poorly kitten found in a garden in BD8. The finder rang us and couldn't help. They told us that they…
Carbonara Update 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: News - Carbonara Update Just over a week ago you may remember Carbonara have life saving surgery. A specialist scan of her chest revealed that Carbonara had a diaphragmatic hernia. The diaphragm is a muscular partition which separates the abdomen from the chest. If a hole or tear in the diaphragm is…
Adopted: Dinky Dorothy 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Adopted: Dinky Dorothy We are delighted to tell you that Dinky Dorothy who is now 18 weeks old has finally been rehomed. Dinky Dorothy remains very Dinky, around the size of a 10 week old kitten , however has had no signs of any illness during her extended stay with…
Events Update 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Events - Events Update Please note Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary will NOT THE OPEN THIS WEEKEND AS WE A CLOSED FOR ESSENTIAL MAINTENANCE... We will definitely be open on Sunday 21st July and you are all invited to join Flora and friends to celebrate Floras 1st Birthday..... more details to…
Pebbles Update and Thank You! 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Pebbles Update and Thank you! We are delighted to tell you that over the weekend Pebbles Diabetes has remained stable . She is taking her oral medication like a champ and eating well. We are so thankful for all the donations of Libre Sensors and food for Pebbles, plus financial…
Carbonara’s £1 Coin Appeal 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Carbonara's £1 Appeal You may remember the story of Carbonara and her Pasta kittens, a known stray cat who gave birth to her kittens in her feeders house. Sadly one of her kittens, Spaghetti , was born with gastroschisis and without urgent intricate surgery, he would not survive. Unfortunately, even…
New Arrival: Pebbles 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Pebbles 14 year old Pebbles joined us last week, as her owner was facing imminent end of life care. Pebbles was hard for the family to place as not only was her age a barrier to rescue support, she also has Diabetes and is dependent on monitoring and…
Adoptions: Rozetta and Sweet Musk 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Adoptions: Rozetta and Sweet Musk Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary are delighted to tell you that Adorable Rozetta and Sweet Musk have both been adopted and have gone to their forever families. Rozetta is 2 years old. She was very much loved by her owner however they were not…
Adopted: Shadow 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Adopted: Shadow We are delighted to tell you that our adorable Shadow has now left Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary and been adopted. We are so happy to hear that he is settling so well already.
Adopted: Lenny and Penny 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Adopted: Lenny and Penny Lenny and Penny, the last of their litter have just been adopted and left Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. We will soon have lots of young and not so young adults looking for a home!
A Happy Ending for Alvin and Norman D 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - A Happy Ending for Alvin and Norman D Sometimes here at the Sanctuary beautiful friendships are made. Alvin and Norman D. were both in intensive care as neighbours and when their recovery was almost complete they accidentally met. Immediately they became the best of friends and Alvin became Norman's Ears...…
Recent Adoptions 13th Jul, 2024 Posted in: Adopted - Recent Adoptions It's been a busy day today at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary with lots of adoptions. Bellingham, Moley & Mouse, Jennie, Kenny, Benni and Mollie have all left Camp Cat watch and gone to their purrrrrfect and Furever homes this afternoon.
New Arrival: Mollie 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Mollie New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary Today Mollie came to us a littke traumatised as her owner had suddenly died and Mollie was with her deceased owner for 3 days. Mollie is around 5 to 6 months old and already is proving herself to…
New Arrivals: Cinders, Bibbidy, Bobbidi and Boo 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrivals: Cinders, Bibbidy, Bobbidi and Boo Hey Mama so we might just wanna hitch a ride!! Here you can see Cinders, Bibbidy, Bobbidi and Boo settling in at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 2 days after being taken to the PDSA.
Angelos Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Angelos Update Little Angelos has been with us just one week and is being such a brave little soldier. He has a fractured tibia (the long bone in the leg) and possibly pelvic fractures too. Angelos is being cared for in intensive care by our critical care team. He has…
Adopting Double Trouble! 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Adopting Double Trouble! DID YOU KNOW?? We currently have several pairs of kittens looking for a home. Kittens just love being together; anyone who has watched two kittens play together can see how much they enjoy chasing and playing with each other and then collapsing in a heap together to…
Dijon Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Dijon Update Exactly 6 weeks ago today we were horrified and shocked when little Dijon started hemorrhagic vomiting over 10 times in 15 minutes. It was so alarming and we rushed her to the vets. Dijons condition rapidly declined and despite the amazing veterinary care she received at Northcote Veterinary…
Billy Whizz Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Billy Whizz Update Little Whizzy arrived over the weekend presenting with serious injuries. Today he spent the day at the vets having tests, xrays and examinations. Whilst he is only the weight and size of a 12 week old kitten, he is developmentally 6-7 months old. ( teeth and bone…
New Arrival: Billy Whizz 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Billy Whizz This is Billy Whizz . Little Whizzy was brought to us yesterday by his finders in Manchester as they were unsure how to help him best. He was found living outside in squalor with other cats and kittens and we are unsure if they are related.…
Peggy Sue Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Update: Peggy Sue Peggy Sue has been at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 15 weeks. She came in heavily pregnant and gave birth to 3 beautiful kittens who she raised amazingly. Last week Peggy's kittens went to new homes and today is Peggy's Adoption Day.
Xavier and Aviva Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Xavier and Aviva have just been adopted. They came to us hours old found under a car with their mummy. 10 weeks later, after being at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary they have found their forever family.
New Arrival: NormanD 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: NormanD This is NormanD. He was dumped outside the rescue boundary late in the evening earlier this month. NormanD is almost certainly deaf and will eventually be looking for an indoor only home. He is booked in for his initial health assessment in the next few days .
New Arrival: Angelos 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Angelos This is Angelos. Angelos arrived with us unexpected earlier today. We could notv.ccertain any information except "fallen". He was taken to the vets and after a couple of xrays it was established that he does have a fractured tibia (the long bone in the leg) and possible…
Dijon Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Dijon Update Little Dijon is feeling a bit sorry for herself this evening. Unfortunately over the last 48 hours her condition had dipped once more. Despite her deteriorating consition and concerning bloods due to anorexia we had to make a massive decision today and discussed with the vets the real…
A Very Sad Update: Manisha 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News, Paws at Peace - A very sad update: Manisha Quite tragically, we have recently lost little Manisha. It's come as a total shock, and we are struggling to come to terms with it. Manisha was displaying odd behaviour and anatomically didn't feel right. She went straight to vets.... fully conscious bright and alert... just…
Winter Update 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: News - Winter Update So it would seem we are Winning with Winter. This poor little kitten came to us almost 17 months ago. A tiny kitten weighing less than 300g, 2 broken back legs, hypoglycemic, a serious head trauma resulting in permanent blindness and seizures. Not one day has gone by…
New Arrival: Alvin 14th Jun, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Alvin New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is little Alvin. Alvin was "found "in a garden terribly ill, and riddled with fleas. He received emergency overnight care and snuggled up in intensive care in our Critical Care ward. Almost 24 hours later, just look…
New Arrival: Carbonara 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Carbonara Today we were called to a very urgent situation. A known stray cat had hopped through a window as usual for morning snack!! Shortly after she gave birth to 4 kittens. The feeder panicked and called us for help. Carbonara and her 4 kittens Ravioli, Farfelle, Pappadelle…
Dijon Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Dijon Update Little Dijon isn't recovering as fast as we would like with the initial treatment plan. She is still pretty low and is having episodes of hemorrhagic vomiting which is quite alarming for all the volunteers to witness. This morning she was booked in for an emergency ultrasound scan…
New Arrival: Picnic 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Picnic Picnic Adventure. Last night Picnic arrived with us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. Her owner had taken her to a vet. The owner felt she had been in labour 3 days, straining and panting. With this information, coupled with the discomfort she was in, our…
New Arrival: Sir Henry 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Sir Henry New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Sir Henry. Unneutered, unchipped. Sir Henry was brought to us late last night following being found barely alive dehydrated, with multiple infected wounds and dreadful dental issues. He received emergency care overnight and spent the morning…
Dijon Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Dijon Update Dijon has spent the last 2 days in the vets following a sudden bout of vomiting fresh blood. Dijon is now hopefully on the mend . She has been treat for duodenal ulceration, remains on I intravenous fluid therapy and has had medication to help. This afternoon Dijon…
Dora Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News, Purrfect Companions - Dora Update Dora our Purrfect Companion has moved into a foster home so that she can relax in a homely environment whilst her owner recovers. Sadly her human companion is back in hospital. In brief Purrfect Companions is a foster scheme for elderly people... cats can have such therapeutic values...…
Recent Adoptions 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Recent Adoptions What a very busy weekend it's been @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. 12 cats and kittens have gone to their forever homes. We hope that Peanut, Cashew, Walnut, Pine, Pecan, Pistachio, Daisy Mae, Doris, Duncan, Delia, Metro And Mini are all settling into their new homes.
New Arrival: Chutney 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Chutney New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Little Chutney. Chutney was found, dehydrated, weak and starving in a field in Bradford. Emergency care had been given and she is starting to perk up a little.
Winter Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Winter Update Many of you will have been following Winter's progress since she arrived at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 17 months ago. She was such a poorly kitten with multiple fractures and serious head trauma. Whilst Winter has made amazing progress, her head trauma has caused brain damage…
New Arrival: Baxter 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Baxter New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Baxter. Baxter was laid/ collapsed and injured in a pile of rubbish at the side of the road in BD5 in baking sun. Unneutered, unchipped and filthy.... this boys street days are over! He is such a…
Launching Therapaws 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News, Therapaws - Launching Therapaws CARROTS HAS BEEN WORKING AGAIN THIS WEEK!! Last month we launched Therapaws !!! Therapaws is a new and unique Animal Assisted Intervention through Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary working in non clinical environments. This week we launched Therapaws at The Glen Nursing Home in Baildon and visited…
New Arrival: Mavis 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Mavis New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is little Mavis who is around 6 weeks old. Mavis was brought to the Sanctuary earlier this week with badly injured hind limbs. We took her to the vets where she had xrays which revealed serious soft tissue…
Metro and Minnie Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Metro and Minnie Update Metro and Mini update. This gorgeous pair, mum and daughter at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary have been to the vets this morning for their pre adoption health check and first Vaccine. These black beauties have been given a clean bill of health and despite…
Dorothy Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Dorothy Update Look at Dinky Dorothy. Dorothy came to us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary just over 4 weeks ago as she was failing to thrive, had neurological issues and wasn't able to feed well. Whilst Dorothy is now eating really well she remains very small and is…
JJ Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - JJ Update Who remembers Jimmy Junior? JJ has been with us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 5 weeks following being found and covered in diahorrea. Just see how amazing he looks now after care and love!! JJ is not quite ready to look for his forever family just…
Cherry Blossom Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Cherry Blossom Update Cherry Blossom is looking after her kittens beautifully. Our foster families are amazing @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary.
Alaska Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Alaska Update We are delighted to tell you that Alaska has now gone to her Purrfect and Furever home after spending many weeks in Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary with one of our fabulous fosterers. Alaska has been a fantastic mum and we wish her luck with her new…
Meet Purrfect Companion Dora 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News, Purrfect Companions - Meet Purrfect Companion Dora This is adorable Dora. Dora has been living with one of our fabulous Purrfect Companion Fosterers for many years. Unfortunately Dora's Human Companion is currently in hospital so we are looking after Dora. In brief Purrfect Companions is a foster scheme for the older community ..…
New Arrivals: Metro and Minnie 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrivals: Metro and Minnie New arrivals @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary This is mum and daughter Metro and Minnie. Metro and Minnie were dumped in a bus stop outside a vets in Halifax last week. Whilst still a little timid these girls will soon be looking for…
Hank Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Hank Update Following several weeks feeling angry and anxious @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary, coupled with a major and long surgical procedure to repair his herniated spleen (most likely due to being kicked) we are delighted to see Handsome Hank relaxing in his forever home.
Manisha Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Manisha Update Well as you can see Manisha objected to the appalling conditions of the AirBnB (ICU) , chewed through her IV LINE and plotted an escape from the critical care ward. As you can see she is feeling much better and enjoying the sun this afternoon in the Sanctuary…
Bentley Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Bentley Update One week ago beautiful Bentley arrived with us with a very infected , necrotic, and old wound Bentley was an owned pet and he had neurological issues meaning that he sometimes drags himself along to mobilise. Unfortunately his owners failed to seek help when this wound got so…
Epiphany Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Epiphany Update Epiphany arrived with us 105 days ago with a horrific fractured pelvis injury that could not be surgically repaired due to the number of fractures she had sustained and the fragments of bone around her pelvic area. The pelvis has healed, be it slightly askew. After 15 weeks…
Manisha Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Manisha Update Manisha Queen of the Desert . Manisha is not currently impressed with the Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary AirBnB facilities. Unfortunately Manisha will be here in intensive care on our Critical Care Ward for at least 5 days. Many of you will know her back story that…
Cherry Blossom Update 17th May, 2024 Posted in: News - Cherry Blossom Update After a long and traumatic labour, Cherry Blossom gave birth to 6 chunky monkeys. Cherry and her Baby Blossoms are all snug in foster care with one of our amazing foster families, and they are all thriving and gaining weight every day. Obviously these kittens are far…
New Arrival: Bentley 17th May, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News, Uncategorized - New Arrival: Bentley New arrival @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Bentley. Volunteers have spent the last 3 hours at Leeds Emergency Vets following the admission of Bentley at 3.15pm today. Bentley was a planned admission as he has has neurological issues most of his life following…
Recent Adoptions at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 18th Apr, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Recent Adoptions There have been lots of adoptions recently @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. Here are just a few cats and kittens who have gone to their furrever homes.
New Arrival: Cherry Blossom 18th Apr, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Cherry Blossom New arrival @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Cherry Blossom. Cherry Blossom was seen as a stray for several weeks and when it was obvious she was pregnant, the finders took her to the vets. Unfortunately she doesn’t have a chip and she…
New Arrival: Jimmy Junior 18th Apr, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Jimmy Junior New arrival @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Jimmy Jr. JJ was an unwanted pet on the realisation that he was far too young to be away from his mum and he had subsequent health issues. JJ is currently on our critical care…
Hank Update 18th Apr, 2024 Posted in: News - Hank Update Who remembers Handsome Hank ? Just over 3 weeks ago Hank underwent major exploritory abdominal surgery to investigate the grapefruit sized mass in his abdomen. The surgery took over 3 hours and revealed a herniation of the spleen. The muscle had split into 2 and layers of fat…
Hank Update 18th Apr, 2024 Posted in: News - Hank Update Handsome Hank has finally been given a clean bill of health following his major surgery to repair a herniated spleen. We are delighted to see him transition into the next stage of his recovery.
Jai Li Update 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Jao Li Update We are delighted to tell you all that Jai Li has left Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary and been adopted today and gone to start her new life with her furever family.
Winter 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: News, Pawspital, SENSE - Winter After what has felt like a never ending week Winter has finally been seizure free for 24 hours!!! Following a recent but brief conversation with a veterinary neurologist this week, they asked us to look at Winter's environment. Obviously this doesn't fix the root cause of her neurological issues…
Baked Bean Update 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: News, Pawspital, SENSE - Baked Bean Update Baked Bean has spent the day with her friends @ Northcote Veterinary Surgery who have looked after her so well. BB has had 7 teeth removed in an extremely long dental procedure. Her big sister Jellybean is looking after BB now she is home. So, why is…
New Arrival: Dorothy 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Dorothy This is Dinky Dorothy. Dorothy was born 4 weeks ago and kindly taken in with her mother and siblings following been abandoned.... and there are plans in the near future for them to be transferred to the Sanctuary when we have a suitable space. Mother and siblings…
Toto Update 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: News - Toto Update Toto remains on our critical care ward and unfortunately is now back to being recieving 100% of his nutrition through the oesophageol feeding tube. We also believe his vision has deteriorated significantly. Poor Toto is an odd little thing but one thing is for sure he is certainly…
New Arrival: Chantenay 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Chantenay New arrival @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary This is little Chantenay. Chantenay is around 6 weeks old and was found alone frightened and taken to Calder Vets in Dewsbury. Because of her young age and vulnerability she is currently on our critical care ward in…
Rosa Update 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: News - Rosa Update Just look how far Rosa's come. The first 4 photos were taken exactly 12 months ago today... and the following photo were taken yesterday.
Gordon Update 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: News - Gordon Update Look who is looking happy this morning!! Gorgeous Gordon obviously doesn't know in just over an hour he is going to be neutered!! 2 weeks ago Gordon arrived with us following being found injured. The vet believes his injuries are consistent with being shot with a bb style…
Spencer Update 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Spencer Update After 95 days Spencer has finally gone to his purrfect and furever home. When Spencer first came to us his right leg had fractures to the 2 long bones, his tibia and fibula, in his left leg he has a proximal fracture of the fibula (which may not…
Hank Update 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: News, Pawspital - Hank Update Who remembers Handsome Hank ? Exactly 2 weeks ago Hank underwent major exploratory abdominal surgery to investigate the grapefruit sized mass in his abdomen. The surgery took over 3 hours and revealed a herniation of the spleen. The muscle had split into 2 and layers of fat had…
Baked Bean 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: News - Baked Bean BB has been with us around 4 years and is one of our SENSE cats with great character. Baked Bean has moderare cerebellar hypoplasia. We noticed in the last week that BB had lost a little weight and over the last couple of days she was really struggling…
Toto Update 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: News - Toto Update As you can see in the photo Toto is back at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary in intensive care on our critical care ward. You may remember he suffered a traumatic brain injury and was unconscious for almost a week. Eventually and miraculously he did improve and…
Our Purr-Maid Dijon 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: News - Our Purr-Maid Dijon Just look at our pretty Purr-Maid Dijon in one her new latest season suits. Donna - her wardrobe manager and designer customises each suit for the needs of each cat requiring them. Dijon is paralysed from the waist down and needs help to pass urine and stool…
New Arrivals: Flo, Aviva and Xavier 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrivals: Flo, Aviva and Xavier New arrivals @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary This is little Flo and her 2 newborn kittens Aviva and Xavier. This little trio were found under a car... the kittens were barely 24 hours old. Now in emergency foster care with volunteers, they…
Gary Update 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: News, Paws at Peace - Gary Update Many of you will have seen the terribly sad story about Gary found on the streets fighting for survival, dehydrated with the most horrific wound on his leg imaginable. Last week we established that the leg wasn't viable and had planned surgery to amputate. Unfortunately whilst prepping Gary…
Shadow Update 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Shadow Update We are so pleased to tell you that Shadow has been re-homed this weekend following her recovery from the most horrendous flu requiring weeks of nursing, nutrition delivered through a feeding tube, antibiotics and strong pain relief. We are delighted to see her reunited with her sibling Storm.....…
New Arrival: Gordon 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Gordon New arrival @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Gordon. Gordon was abandoned by his owners when they moved house. The finders were very concerned about a wound. When the vet checked it was discovered that the wound was indeed a pellet wound, most likely…
Toto Update 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: News - Toto Update You may remember little Toto , the kitten that has been with us following significant traumatic brain injury resulting in almost a week of unconsciousness, blindness and inability to eat... Around 10 days ago a feeding tube was surgically placed and when he was getting the best possible…
Hank Update 7th Apr, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News, Pawspital - Hank Update Yesterday Hank underwent major exploritory abdominal surgery to investigate the grapefruit sized mass in his abdomen. The surgery took over 3 hours and revealed a herniation of the spleen. The muscle had split into 2 and layers of fat had formed between the muscle. The surgery was lengthy,…
Patrick Update 20th Mar, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, Fundraising, News - Patrick Update You may remember Patrick who arrived with us on Sunday. Dehydrated, anemic and with odd injuries around his back end. Well today after antibiotics, pain relief and 2 days of intravenous fluids he is now feeling much brighter. Patricks care has so far cost around £350. If you…
New Arrival: Gary 20th Mar, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, Fundraising, New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Gary Graphic images warning. New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary last night. This is grubby Gary. Gary arrived with us last night following being found in the BD8 area by a member of the public. Gary was collapsed, unable to stand, very dehydrated, and his…
New Arrival: Patrick 20th Mar, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Patrick New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary late last night. This is Patrick. Patrick has been a stray in the BD3 area for some time and has the most bizarre injuries around his back end and scrotum. Aside of these injuries, he is anaemic and severely…
New Arrival: Hank 20th Mar, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Hank New arrival this week @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is handsome Hank. Hank was handed in as a stray to a vets almost 2 weeks ago. Hank is a nervous but sweet boy but has major complications requiring surgery. Hank has a massive hernia.. even…
ToTo Update 16th Mar, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - ToTo Update You may have been following the story of little Toto who has been back with us for 10 days following a sudden onset brain injury. Well you will all be delighted to know that he is recovering well, his sight and mentation is improving and is now fairly…
Shadow Update 16th Mar, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Shadow Update Little Shadow has been out of the vets for just 3 hours following life threatening yet life saving surgery to remove her "naughty" eye. We are not sure exactly why her eye turned so nasty and became a life threatening emergency in the last 24 hours. Despite a…
ToTo Update 16th Mar, 2024 Posted in: News - ToTo Update Its hard to believe that 48 hours ago this little boy was and had been slipping in and out of conscious for the last 7 days. We believe he suffered a horiffic traumatic brain injury Around 4am this morning he was sat up and looking somewhat perkier throughout…
Shadow Update 16th Mar, 2024 Posted in: News - Shadow Update Over the last couple of weeks Shadow has been improving everyday. She is still being fed via an esophageal tube every 3 hours, but she is getting brighter and stronger as each day passes. Yesterday Shadows left eye almost ruptured and today she is having emergencylife saving surgery…
Liberty Update 16th Mar, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Liberty Update After 247 days in rescue little Liberty has finally been officially adopted!! She has gone to live permenantly with her 2 siblings Sunny and Honey ( were Picasso and Mona). Liberty is an absolute miracle. Around 18 weeks ago our lovely Liberty had major life threatening yet life…
ToTo Update 16th Mar, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - ToTo Update Not long ago, Jojo, CoCo and ToTo went to their lovely new homes. JoJo settled in immediately as did CoCo and ToTo, however within 48 hours ToTo became suddenly and extremely ill. The lovely owners rushed ToTo to their nearest emergency vets and was admitted and a series…
Shadow Update 16th Mar, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, News - Shadow Update Another busy night ahead at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. Our critical care ward is full of poorly kitties and Shadow remains very poorly. It is exactly a week since Shadow came to us barely conscious. Whilst she has been getting brighter every day she is still…
New Arrivals: CoCo, JoJo and ToTo 16th Mar, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrivals: CoCo, JoJo and ToTo This is JoJo, CoCo and ToTo. They are mum( JoJo) and the product of an unwanted litter. CoCo and ToTo are both very sweet and around 12-13 weeks old but ToTo is extremely anxious. Goodness knows what his experiences have been as a young…
New Arrival: Shadow 16th Mar, 2024 Posted in: Appeals, New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Shadow This is little Shadow and she is a very poorly little girly. At only weeks old she is battling with so.may symptoms of flu and is unable to eat. She was barely conscious when she arrived with us and we were amazed she survived the night. We…
Liberty Update 16th Mar, 2024 Posted in: News - Liberty Update Many of you will remember Liberty's story, she had lifesaving surgery for a livershunt which, if left would have most likely been fatal before her 1st birthday. Several weeks ago the surgery was miraculous and she has just about recovered from it. Whilst she was recovering we looked…
Alfie Update 12th Mar, 2024 Posted in: Adopted, News - Alfie Update You may remember 10 year old Alfie who came into our care in October last year when we were contacted by the police following the death of his owner. It is believed that Alfie was trapped in the home with his deceased owner for around 4 weeks. We…
New Arrival: Lucky Duck 12th Mar, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Lucky Duck This is Lucky Duck. Lucky Duck is around 9 years ond and over the last 6 months his life has been turned completely upside down . His elderly owner was taken into hospital last August and since then her health has rapidly declined so much so…
New Arrival: Imp 12th Mar, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Imp New arrival @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary This is Little Imp. Imp is possibly around 9 to 10 weeks old however is the weight of a 6 week old kitten. She is severely malnourished, full of fleas, anaemic and dehydrated. Her eyes are sore and…
Rosa Update 10th Feb, 2024 Posted in: News - Rosa Update Imagine….. EXACTLY 12 months ago.this little lady came into our lives at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary following being found covered in fibreglass resin causing full thickness burns to her face and legs. 219 days of uncertainty and little chance of survival. For 4 months she couldnt…
Sad News: Penelope & Muffin 10th Feb, 2024 Posted in: News - Sad News: Penelope & Muffin Very sad news from Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. It’s with great sadness we tell yiu this afternoon that both little Muffin and Penelope have lost their great fight. Poor penelope had a dreadful mass in her kidney area, was developing multiple organ failure…
Liberty Update 9th Feb, 2024 Posted in: News - Liberty Update Liberty is our little miracle liver shunt kitten, who every day of her life has fought for survival.On Monday she was finally neutered and is recovering remarkably well following this. Liberty is still struggling in may ways and is not a ready for rehoming as we thought she…
New Arrival: Penelope 8th Feb, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News, Uncategorized - New Arrival: Penelope New arrival @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Penelope . She arrived with us late last night following being handed in to a vets as an apparent stray. She does have a foreign microchip however we are unable to locate the owner . Penelope…
New Arrival: Muffin 8th Feb, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Muffin New arrival@ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is Muffin. Muffin was found collapsed and lifeless outside a bakery in Penistone last night.She was taken to an emergency veterinary provision who described her as critical, dehydrated, emaciated and weak.The finder was told by the vet that…
Burt: Happy Ending 8th Feb, 2024 Posted in: News - Burt: Happy Ending A Tail with a happy endingWe are delighted to tell you that 15 year old Burt (actually called Grant) has now been reunited with his owner.Sadly this was through the power of Facebook… which takes time and a lucky chance that someone recognised him. … a microchip…
New Arrival: Burt 7th Feb, 2024 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Burt New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary .This is Burt. Burt is estimated around 10 years old and handed into a vets over a week ago as a semi looked after stray in leeds. In the last week Burt has had a dental, been neutered…
Introducing Flora (Day 1 of our Advent Adventure) 1st Dec, 2023 Posted in: Christmas, New Arrivals, News - Introducing Flora (Day 1 of our Advent Adventure) Uh ohhhh Elfin' around @ Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary Today is day one of our Advent Adventure.... and look who has landed... one of Santas Elves.... Flora Elf!!Flora has actually been Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary for almost 10…
Tender, Jet and Pump Update 1st Dec, 2023 Posted in: News, Pawspital - Tender, Jet and Pump Update Tender, Jet and Pump update.Tender, Jet and Pump have been with us for 9 days (feels like a lifetime).They arrived with us through the Fire Service. Whilst Tender is an amazing mum and looking after Jet beautifully, unfortunately little Pump has faced daily struggles since…
Zach Update 1st Dec, 2023 Posted in: News, Pawspital - Zach Update Zach has been with us just 19 days following being left on the streets at least 2 weeks following a roat traffic accident. Zach had major and long surgery Leeds Veterinary Centre totalling £2.5k to attempt to mend his very broken leg.Thankfully the surgery was a success and…
Asym Update 1st Dec, 2023 Posted in: News, Pawspital - Asym Update Chonky Asym came to us almost 5 weeks ago. When he arrived towards the end of October we soon discovered his injuries were far worse than we initially thought.Asym's injuries were only consistent of those if he was kicked in the head with force. He suffered at least…
New Arrivals Mrs Grinch and her Little Who-ligans 1st Dec, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrivals Mrs Grinch and her Little Who-ligans New arrivals at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary .This is Mrs Grinch and her little Who-ligans, Stu Lou Who, Drew Lou Who, Cindy Lou Who, Betty Lou Who and Augustus May Who.Mrs Grinch was a local stray in BD7 and regularly…
More Social Media Updates Incoming! 1st Dec, 2023 Posted in: News - More Social Media Updates Incoming! Apologies from Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. Volunteers at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary would like to apologise for the lack of social media interactions and posts over the last couple of weeks or so.We have all been absolutely run off our little…
Sporty Spice and Dakota Adopted 1st Dec, 2023 Posted in: Adopted, News - Sporty Spice and Dakota Adopted We are delighted to tell you that our last 2 adoptions before Christmas were SportiSpice and Dakota.We are delighted for their Christmas Miracle.Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary WILL NOT be rehoming now until after Christmas.
New Arrival: Rosie 30th Nov, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News, Pawspital - New Arrival: Rosie New emergency arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary. Rosie is only around 6 weeks old and in her short life she has suffered some terrible trauma.Whilst we dont know exactly what has happened she has suffered with a dreadful fracture to her femur which is…
Little Pump Update 30th Nov, 2023 Posted in: News, Pawspital - Little Pump Update Pump arrived with us 5 days ago with his mum Tender and Sibling, Jet following being in a house fire.When the fire service brought them in Pump was totally lifeless. Her temperature and blood glucose levels were so low they couldn't be read.Whilst its been a turbulent…
Uro and Honey Adopted 30th Nov, 2023 Posted in: Adopted, News - Uro and Honey Adopted Adoption news at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This weekend has been extremely busy at the Sanctuary however we are delighted to tell you that both Uro and Honey have gone to their furever homes today.They have both been in the Sanctuary for a long…
NOT rehoming during December 30th Nov, 2023 Posted in: News - NOT rehoming during December WILL NOT be rehoming any cats or kittens throughout December. Kittens and cats are upset by leaving the security of their mothers and the rescue to go to a strange, very busy & noisy house at Christmas - you could not choose a worse time of…
Shirley Update 23rd Nov, 2023 Posted in: News, Pawspital - Shirley Update Its just over a week since Shirley arrived with us dreadfully ill and barely alive. She was found at a household waste site in Bradford by staff.We believe she has fallen down a 30ft shaft and been bitten by another animal... most likely a rat!Whilst she remains on…
New emergency arrivals: Tender, Jet and Pump 23rd Nov, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News, Pawspital - New emergency arrivals: Tender, Jet and Pump Earlier Tuesday evening we received a call from our friends at West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Control Room.They had attended a minor house fire however when the fire had been dealt with it was agreed with all parties that the kitties should…
Black FURRiday 23rd Nov, 2023 Posted in: Appeals, News - Black FURRiday We know not everyone is keen on Black Friday, but for those of you who may be interested in supporting us and participating in BlackFURRiday instead (i.e. saving money while donating to support Bradford Cat Watch Rescue)... we have added some Felix and Lily's Kitchen to our wishlist.…
Liberty and Shirley Appeal for Lily’s Kitchen Smooth Paté 23rd Nov, 2023 Posted in: Appeals, News, Pawspital - Liberty and Shirley Appeal for Lily's Kitchen Smooth Paté You may have been following our two kittens Liberty and Shirley. Both kittens have been fighting hard to get back to health with support from Northcote Veterinary Surgery and the team of volunteers giving round the clock care at BCWR and…
Adoption Tails 23rd Nov, 2023 Posted in: Adopted, News - Adoption Tails More Adoption Tails at the rescue. Following a short time in the Sanctuary, following all the relevant veterinary checks Mavis and Marlene have just left the rescue to live with their new Adoptive Family.
Adoption Tails 20th Nov, 2023 Posted in: Adopted, News - Adoption Tails Adoption Tails at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary .Do you remember Wesley who was left callously at the Sanctuary gate .... despite pleas for the individual to contact the Sanctuary so we could ascertain the circumstances and any welfare concerns... unfortunately he never did.Wesley is a beautiful,…
Liberty 72 Hours After Surgery 19th Nov, 2023 Posted in: News - Liberty 72 Hours After Surgery Its exactly 72 hours since little Liberty came out of surgery for her liver shunt . This surgery was life threatening... yet necessary to attempt a chance at life beyond one year old. Following the 72 hours post surgery Liberty has been under close observations…
Liberty Update 18th Nov, 2023 Posted in: News - Liberty Update Its over 24 hours since Liberty had life saving surgery at Northcote Veterinary Surgery. The surgery involved opening the abdominal cavity, locating the shunting vessel which was rather a challenge as it was burried under layers of tissue and closing this vessel to re-direct its blood through the…
Liberty Update 16th Nov, 2023 Posted in: News - Liberty Update Hey everyone . I know many of you will have been waiting for news on Liberty's very big surgery today.We are delighted to tell you all that surgery went well and she handled it brilliantly. She is now back at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary on our…
Little Zach Update 15th Nov, 2023 Posted in: News - Little Zach Update Little Zach is finally back at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary and settled for the evening. Zach has had a very long and worrying day Leeds Veterinary Centre however is now happy to be recovering. He came to us a couple of days ago with a…
Liberty’s Life Line. URGENT APPEAL 15th Nov, 2023 Posted in: Appeals, News - Liberty's Life Line. URGENT APPEAL Click here for the latest updates😻 You may all remember the litter of persian kittens that ALL needed major facial surgery a few weeks ago to allow them to breathe a little easier... now, at 6 months old most of the kittens are almost ready…
Charlie.. a tail with a happy ending 15th Nov, 2023 Posted in: News - Charlie.. a tail with a happy ending This is Charlie . He has been working in a Bradford Council Depot for well over a year now. In this time Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary has worked closely with the Council officers at the depot. He has been to the…
BCWR Gift Fayre 15th Nov, 2023 Posted in: Events - BCWR Gift Fayre Here are Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary we are very excited to be preparing for our seasonal event.The Gift Fayre on Sunday 10th December promises to be a great event with something for everyone. Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary would like to make this event…
Shirley Update 15th Nov, 2023 Posted in: News - Shirley Update Little Shirley has made it through the night following her ordeal yesterday!!!! Yesterday she had her wounds flushed, cleaned and stitched, had antibiotics and pain relief. Shirley remains critically ill in intensive care at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary and we continue to nurse her.
Roman and Rolla Adopted! 14th Nov, 2023 Posted in: Adopted, News - Roman and Rolla Adopted! Adoption news at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary We are absolutely over the moon to tell you that Rolla and Roman have been left the Sanctuary together following 8 weeks in rescue. Despite them both having to have both their eyes removed they are the…
New Arrival: Shirley 14th Nov, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Shirley New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary We received a phone call today from Bowling Back Lane Household Waste Centre about an injured kirren found on site. We have called her Shirley. Shirley is around 4 weeks old and has fallen dowb a 30ft shaft…
Zach 14th Nov, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Zach New arrival yesterday at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary . This is little Zach. Zach has been a looked after stray for the last 3 months in BD7 and is believed to be under 1 year old. We received a phone call from a member of the public…
Agapi Adopted! 12th Nov, 2023 Posted in: Adopted, News - Agapi Adopted! Adoption news today. 9 weeks ago this little lady came to to us needing emergency surgery to amputate her leg. At any age this is risky but at only 9 days old the risks are so much higher. Miraculously she came through this surgery, has been handreared and…
Halloween and the Bonfire Season 29th Oct, 2023 Posted in: Fact Sheets, News - Halloween and the Bonfire Season Halloween and the Bonfire Season can be an exciting time for some however is often terrifying for others ... especially our pets. It is for this reason that Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary will NOT be rehoming throughout these two busy , noisy and…
Winter’s Full Moon 28th Oct, 2023 Posted in: News - Winter’s Full Moon Did you know the power of the moon really does have a significant affect on the brain.Full moons are traditionally associated with insomnia, insanity (hence the terms lunacy and lunatic) and various "magical phenomena" such as lycanthropy. At Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary we are affiliated…
New Arrival: Asym 28th Oct, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Asym New emergency arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary. This is 1 year old Asym. Asym has a serious facial injury, most likely a fractured jaw. He was taken into a vets in Leeds 5 days ago following being kicked in the head. Because the witness…
Duster Update 20th Oct, 2023 Posted in: News - Duster Update It’s over a week since this old lad arrived with us almost collapsed, dehydrated, anaemic and malnourished. In the last 9 days he has already perked up a little, is no longer on intravenous fluid therapy and is starting to gain weight day by day. Over the weekend…
Roman & Rolla Looking For Love 18th Oct, 2023 Posted in: News - Roman & Rolla Looking For Love ❤️Looking for love❤️Roman and Rolla finally went for their first vaccinations this morning and had their pre adoption health check. Emily the vet has looked after this pair of floofs veterinary care since they arrived with us and did both their surgery. We are…
2024 Calendar! 17th Oct, 2023 Posted in: Appeals, News - 2024 Calendar! THE Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary 2024 calendar LAUNCH IS HERE!! 2023 has been a tough year and behind the scenes at BCWR we have really had some battles this year. The rise in immense cruelty and neglect that we have witnessed has been beyond comprehension. In…
Tatum and Tilla Update 17th Oct, 2023 Posted in: News - Tatum and Tilla Update Tatum and Tilla have been with us almost 8 weeks.Whilst both small for their age of 7 months, Tilla has remained healthy throught her time with us however Tatum really has been dreadfully ill.We suspect this is a result of inbreeding coupled with the squalid conditions…
So you think this is cute? 16th Oct, 2023 Posted in: News - So you think this is cute? ❤️❤️❤️So you think this is cute????❤️❤️❤️ These kittens are a family of 7 persians that came to us almost 14 weeks ago as a result of serious welfare concerns. Today 3 of the kittens were neutered and also had surgery to allow them to…
New Arrivals: Winnie and Binx 16th Oct, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrivals: Winnie and Binx New arrivals Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary, this is Winnie and Binx. This poor pair are around 6 month old and were dumped in a bag round the back of a Pets At Home Store in Leeds at 1am in very cold temperatures. They…
Abbey Update 16th Oct, 2023 Posted in: News - Abbey Update Little abbey has been with us since arriving pregnant several weeks ago. Her kittens are now 6 weeks old and have had to be prematurely seperated from mum. Abbey suddenly developed odd and unexplained symptoms and as a result had a specialist ultrasound scan of her abdomen as…
New Arrival: Alton 14th Oct, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Alton New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary .This is little Alton.Alton has come to us all.the way from Staffordshire via a veterinary team. He is 4-5 months old.We are unsure of Altons early weeks however he has been looked after by an amazing veterinary team…
An Unexpected Arrival 7th Oct, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - An Unexpected Arrival Unexpected and surprise new arrivals this evening.Our volunteers were just finishing our evening Care Rounds, and just out of the blue our rabbits and another cat was acting strangely. When we went to investigate, to our great surprise we saw a little kitten in Sanctuary view, then…
New Arrival: Alfie 7th Oct, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Alfie New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary this evening. We have just returned from picking up 10 year old Alfie. We received a call earlier from West Yorkshire Police requesting our help with Alfie as his owner had been found deceased. It is believed she…
Rolla’s Big Surgery Day 6th Oct, 2023 Posted in: News - Rolla's Big Surgery Day It was Rolla's big surgery day today! Rolla had major suegery today to have the remnants if his eyes removed. Rolla and his brother Roman have been in the Sanctuary for 3 weeks. Roman had his surgery last week. We believe that some awful substance has…
New Arrival: Levi 4th Oct, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Levi This is little Levi.Levi is a middle aged boy who has a horriffic leg injury and fractures which has been left over a week due to the feeder struggling to access appropriate veterinary help. Levi has a very badly broken leg, anaemia, is dehydrated and has sepsis…
New Arrival: Yas 29th Sep, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Yas New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary today.Little Yas was found this afternoon by emergency paramedics. She was found at Bradford Royal Infirmary with a tight band around her neck.Paramedics acted quickly to secure her welfare. Yas is around 7 to 8 weeks old, was…
New Arrival: Willy Wonka 29th Sep, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Willy Wonka New arrival this evening at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary .This is Willy WonkaWilly Wonka is only 3 to 4 week old and found alone by a bin on the side of a busy road in BD7. WW is currently recieving emergency care and once…
Rosa Update! 28th Sep, 2023 Posted in: News - Rosa Update! Rosa update! Whilst in the first couple of days in her new home she was a little timid and reserved.. she has certainly found her paws are firmly under the table now. We are delighted to so Rosa so settled with her new family. 🧡
Rosa’s Finale Festival and Farewell 17th Sep, 2023 Posted in: News - Rosa's Finale Festival and Farewell Today we have had a phenomenal afternoon at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary and the sunshine even came too!! Thank you to EVERYONE who came and supported us at Rosa's Finale Festival and Farewell. It was an emotional day for many yet we were…
Uro Update 14th Sep, 2023 Posted in: News - Uro Update What a busy day its been at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary especially for Uro. Uro was brought to us a couple of days ago following being taken into a vets injured. He likely has been involved in a road accident possibly over a week ago and…
Agapi Update 14th Sep, 2023 Posted in: News - Agapi Update Little Aggi has been with us jut a week now following having her leg amputated at just 9 days old. Aggi started on feeds every 45 mins and these have now been stretched to every 90 mins( oh the luxury). Agapi is putting weight on nicely every day…
Hedwig Update 13th Sep, 2023 Posted in: News - Hedwig Update Handsome Hedwig had his first vaccination and pre adoption health check yesterday.It seems he is in good health at this time however in later life will almost certainly experience pain and discomfort due to his breed, and will require pain management at the vets and insurance is a…
New Arrival: Uro 13th Sep, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Uro This is Uro.Uro was referred to us via a vets in leeds.Uro is ariund one year old, was a stray and we believe he was likely involved in a near fatal RTA.Uro has sustained shocking injuries including a fractured pelvis in several places and also a lofe…
Uro Update 13th Sep, 2023 Posted in: News - Uro Update What a busy day its been at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary ..... especially for Uro. Uro was brought to us a couple of days ago following being taken into a vets injured. He  likely has been involved in a road accident possibly over a week ago…
Agapi Update 11th Sep, 2023 Posted in: News - Agapi Update Little Aggi has been with us now 5 days. 5 days since her life saving surgery to amputate her gangrenous leg when she was just 9 days old. She continues to do well, taking her feeds likeca champ and gaining weight nicely.We are now feeding her every hour…
Hollins Update 10th Sep, 2023 Posted in: News - Hollins Update You may remember on Friday night at stupid O' clock we were called to help an injured cat who had been spotted in the vast grounds for several days. Yesterday she went to be assessed by our team at Northcote Veterinary Surgery to work out a plan to…
New Arrival Eeyore 10th Sep, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival Eeyore New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary today.This is little Eeyore .Eeyore is around 8 weeks old and covered in fleas and what seems like a heavy worm burden.We were sent the video of Eeyore at Schoolmoor Cemetery by the ' finder' and due to…
Vaccine Booster Time For Mambo 9th Sep, 2023 Posted in: Fact Sheets, News - Vaccine Booster Time For Mambo Every year all our cats living within Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary have their vaccination boosters. There are a number of highly infectious and potentially fatal diseases which can affect your cat. There is no treatment for many of these diseases and kittens and…
Agapi Update 9th Sep, 2023 Posted in: News - Agapi Update Little Agapi is now just 12 days old and is recovering well from her major surgery just 4 days ago to amputate her strangulated leg.This was caused by the umbilical cord during a traumatic birth. The owner was unable to fund the surgery and was not equipped to…
Pierre: A Tail with a happy ending 9th Sep, 2023 Posted in: Adopted, BCWR Graduates, News - Pierre: A Tail with a happy ending Pierre has finally found his forever family and yesterday saw the vet for his final healthcheck prior to adoption. Due to catastrophic breeding, whilst with us Pierre had to have specialist surgery to enable him to breathe easier. Before Pierre was adopted we…
On The Road at Stupid-o’clock 9th Sep, 2023 Posted in: News - On The Road at Stupid-o’clock Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary was out on the road at stupid o clock.. 12.40am We were called to Hollins Hall Hotel to help rescue an injured cat from the vast grounds. Thankfully guests had already managed to contain her in their car before…
New Arrival: Tatum 5th Sep, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Tatum This is Tatum.Tatum arrived with us a few days ago with his sister Tilla. They were living in shocking conditions and whilst Tilla appears relatively healthy Tatum certainly isn’t. Tatum has several birth defects as a direct result of bad breeding. His eyes, throat and mouth are…
New Arrival: Snowball 5th Sep, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Snowball This is Snowball.Snowball was an unwanted pet due to allergies and lack of time commitment.She was originally bought from a breeder for £500 as a British Short Haired kitten. It turns out not only is she NOT a BSH kitten, she also has mildflu, and is deaf!…
Hilda Update 5th Sep, 2023 Posted in: News - Hilda Update Almost 5 weeks ago att around 10 days old Hilda was taken into a vets as she was found on a building site alone.The builders searched for mum and siblings but to no avail. Hilda has been looked after around the clock by volunteers at Bradford Cat Watch…
Izzy Rehomed! 4th Sep, 2023 Posted in: News - Izzy Rehomed! Who remembers Izzy??? Izzy came to Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary weighing 200g 8 weeks ago following her being handed in to Northcote Veterinary Surgery with a damaged eye that literally fell out on the examination table at the surgery. You may remember she had surgery to…
Rosa’s Finale Festival 28th Aug, 2023 Posted in: Events, News - Rosa's Finale Festival 🧡🧡🧡YOU ARE INVITED🧡🧡🧡 Rosa has been with us now at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary almost 28 weeks… thats over 6 months … 6 months of recovery, recuperation and rehabilitation. This week Rosa has one surgery left and then we are ready to celebrate. Rosas Recovery…
New Arrival: Hedwig 28th Aug, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Hedwig This is 3 year old Hedwig. Hedwig was originally an owned pet however due to personal circumstances the owner was unable to keep him. Unfortunately Hedwig will need a lot of Veterinary support throughout his life because he is a Scottish Fold.!This is an absolutely unnecessary and…
New Arrival: Peridot 27th Aug, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Peridot This is little Peridot.Peridot was taken into a vets as she was desperately ill.Her vets contacted us to see if we could help. Peridot weighs only 300 grams, is malnourished and has cat flu. She is currently being barrier nursed around the by volunteers in our critical…
Nectar Rehomed! 23rd Aug, 2023 Posted in: Adopted, News - Nectar Rehomed! Nectar updateWe are delighted to tell you all that Nectar left Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary yesterday afternoon and has had a settled first night in her new home.She enjoyed her chicken this morning and said she loves her new home .
Rosa’s Final Surgery! 22nd Aug, 2023 Posted in: News - Rosa's Final Surgery! Rosa Update!Imagine almost 7 months ago this little lady came into our lives at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary. 193 days of uncertainty and little chance of survival. Vets said "those wounds will never heal", people said "she cant possibly see" volunteers questioned her future quality…
Milo 21st Aug, 2023 Posted in: Appeals, New Arrivals, News - Milo Milo arrived to BCWR on last week. He was a stray living in Leeds and went back to his usual feeders a few days ago and they knew something wasn't right. Milo spent a couple of days in the emergency vets having xrays, pain relief and was monitored closely.…
New Arrival: Honey 20th Aug, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Honey New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & SanctuaryThis is Honey. Prior to coming to the Sanctuary, Honey was taken into a vet as a pregnant stray with a horrific "collar injury". The team at the vets have looked after Honey and her wound is healing well…
New Arrival: Stardrops 20th Aug, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Stardrops New arrival today at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary.This is "Stardrops". We were called earlier today about a kitten that was laid in a garden lifeless . When we arrived Stardrops was indeed laid on the stone in the garden filthy and dehydrated.We brought him back…
A Tail with a Happy Ending: Peanut 20th Aug, 2023 Posted in: News - A Tail with a Happy Ending: Peanut A Tail with a Happy Ending. This is Peanut. Peanut was brought to us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary yesterday to be scanned for a microchip. Luckily for Peanut he was chipped (and neutered) and we were able to contact his…
Salty Adopted! 19th Aug, 2023 Posted in: Adopted, News - Salty Adopted! Who remembers Salty???? Salty came to us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary 11 weeks ago, emaciated, dehydrated, full of fleas and cigerette burns…. just look at him now!! Today was possibly the best day of Saltys life- he was adopted and went to his retirement home.
Nectar Looking For Her Forever Home 19th Aug, 2023 Posted in: News - Nectar Looking For Her Forever Home Little Nectar has been with us 10 weeks.We estimate Nectar to be around 9 years old. Nectar is a sweet girl who is happy, content and playful and fine with other cats. The only thing with Nectar is she will not eat cat food…
Izzy Update 19th Aug, 2023 Posted in: News - Izzy Update Many of you will remember that Izzy was booked in for emergency surgery a few weeks ago at Northcote Veterinary Surgery. Weighing just over 300 grams really did heighten the risks associated with anasthesia but surgery was very important in minimising serious infection complications. Unfortunately Izzy didnt cope…
New Arrival: Old Bailey 15th Aug, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Old Bailey This is Old Bailey. Bailey was found in Baildon almost collapsed on Saturday night. He had emergency treatment yesterday and has been at Northcote Veterinary Surgery all day today having tests. Despite being so malnourished and weak Baileys blood work was pretty unremarkable.He does have hyperthyroidism…
New Arrivals: Indie and Africa 14th Aug, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrivals: Indie and Africa New arrivals at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary This beautiful pair are almost 9 weeks old and are simply unwanted. Indie and Africa will need to see the vets for their vaccinations and health checks before they are considered for adoption.This pair will be…
New Arrival: Pandora 12th Aug, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Pandora This is Pandora. Pandora is around 1 year old and came to us last night as an emergency. She is a sweet, though timid girl and would suit a home without other pets or young children. Pandora will obviously undergo all necessary health checks before being considered…
New Arrivals: Nina and Jett 12th Aug, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrivals: Nina and Jett New arrivals this week at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & SanctuaryThis is Nina and Jett. These beautiful kittens came into the Sanctuary as a result of tragic circumstances. Their previous owners were devastated to let them go but we assured them we would find the…
New Arrival: Bruno 12th Aug, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Bruno New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary .This is baby Bruno.At hours old (if that) Bruno was found alone and taken in to Abbey House Veterinary Hospital on Wednesday.Shortly after, we collected Bruno to offer him intensive and supportive care. Bruno will have virtually no…
Inca Update 12th Aug, 2023 Posted in: News - Inca Update Little Inca has since been in our care for over 48 hours however has spent all that time at Abbey House Veterinary Hospital having emergency life saving treatment. Inca has spent those 2 days on intravenous fluids, had strong painkillers and antibiotics.Her mouth is red raw and full…
Meadow Update 11th Aug, 2023 Posted in: News - Meadow Update Look at little Meadow in her new Boob Tube at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary. Meadow is now 15 weeks old and has been with us 10 weeks. When Meadow first came to us she had been bathed in bleach as her owners believed it woukd deal…
Inca 8th Aug, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Inca This is little Inca ( formally Tippie) . Inca has been under the care of another rescue for the last few days and has been an inpatient at Abbey house vets for the last 3 days . Unfortunately this afternoon the other rescue felt that they couldn't care adequately…
Scamp Update 7th Aug, 2023 Posted in: News - Scamp Update Its 15 days since little Scamp arrived at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary with lots of issues and problems. Scamp has spend another day with his friends at Leeds Veterinary Centre who are slowly unravelling the complexity of littke Scampr body.whikst onnthe outside he looks perfect... from…
New Arrival: Little Mo 7th Aug, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Little Mo New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & SanctuaryThis is little Mo. Mo came to us over the weekend due to Mo's deteriorating health. Mo was found as a stray in Leeds and the finders made every attempt to find the owner and in the end…
Noah Adopted! 7th Aug, 2023 Posted in: News - Noah Adopted! We are delighted to tell you that little Noah has finally left Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary and gone go his forever family. Thank you so much to every one that applied to adopt Noah, our Adoption Team will be in touch in due course to see…
New Arrival: Cokie 5th Aug, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Cokie This is Cokie. He is around 5 months old. Cokie was found by officers West Yorkshire Police in a drugs related incident. Cokie was found in a Drug and needles infused property in Bradford. Cokie will be checked over by our vets.
Scamp Update 4th Aug, 2023 Posted in: News - Scamp Update Scamp has spent the day at Leeds Veterinary Centre and is now back at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary in intesnsive care on our Critical Care Ward. Scamp has had a full general anesthetic today to enable the vets to start the exploration of his complex abnormalities…
Scamp Update 4th Aug, 2023 Posted in: News - A worrying Friday at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary This morning we were all very nervous at BCWR&S as we are preparing to take Scamp to Leeds Veterinary Centre. Whilst we are hopeful for a positive outcome we also know that Scamps prognosis is very poor.It looks like there's…
New Arrival: Hilda 3rd Aug, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Hilda New arrival today at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary This is little Hilda. Hilda is only around 10 days old and was found by builders on a site in BD8. They took her to a vets for advice and the vets contacted us for help. Hilda…
Noah’s Adoption Plea 3rd Aug, 2023 Posted in: News - Noah's Adoption Plea Noah has been at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary some time now.He is around 15 weeks old and is such a sweet boy. Over the last couple of weeks we have been looking for a home for Noah however he has been overlooked by everyone .…
Nemo Rehomed! 30th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Nemo Rehomed! We are delighted to tell you that Nemo has just left Camp Cat Watch earlier today and has gone to start a new chapter with his new forever family. Exactly 4 weeks ago today nemo came into our care at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary and was…
Winter Update 29th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Winter Update Winter has been with us almost 7 months. Winter was such a poorly little girl when she arrived with us. She had 2 broken limbs, was unconscious for 2 days, was hypothermic, hypoglycemic, dehydrated, blind, had serious head trauma and suffered with seizures. On the whole Winter has…
New Arrival: Orion 29th Jul, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Orion New arrival this week at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary.This is Orion. Orion came to us as a long term un neutered stray from Halifax. He has a awful wounds around his ears and neck which most likely are a result of a serious ear infection.…
Snowie 29th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News, Silver Whiskers - Snowie This is 16 year old Snowie. Snowie was handed in as a stray in ƁD2, to a vets in Bradford. Through the microchip the owner was traced however when contacted it soon became evident that the owners didnt want him. The easiest vets kept him in the practice to…
Muriel Update 29th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Muriel Update Just look at Magnificent Muriel. Just 48 hours after major Orthopaedic Surgery Muriel is standing and walking about and appears very comfortable and happy. Thank you to everyone who has donated to her surgery and care so far, and a special thank you to both amazing teams at…
Mucky Mushroom 28th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Mucky Mushroom Mucky little Mushroom has just had her breakfast and now time for face wash. Poor Mushroom was part of a litter that all have their issues due to bad breeding and incestual breeding. Mushroom cannot go to the toilet unaided, has serious mobility problems, has breathing issues, ocular…
Rosa Update 28th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Rosa Update Look who has been to the vets today for a review and planning for her hopefully last surgery! Rosa has been with us 23 weeks, that’s almost 6 months and finally her recovery goals are in sight. Rosa’s final groundbreaking surgery will hopefully take place on 22nd August…
Izzy Update 28th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Izzy Update Izzy has been with us just 17 days following being found by a postlady and was taken into the vets. Whilst at the vets most of Izzys eye fell out! The team at Northcote Veterinary Surgery attempted to anethatise Izzy to clean her eye socket up and remove…
Mildred Update 27th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Mildred Update In just 13 days at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary look at the difference in Mildred!!We are delighted with her recovery and today she got lots of little food parcels to open too. Mildred loved opening her gifts of Applaws Chicken and is excited to be booked…
Muriel Update 27th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News, Pawspital - Muriel Update Muriel update.Muriel has spent the day at Leeds Veterinary Centre with the Orthopaedic Specialist, James having surgery to fix 2 bones in her very broken leg. Surgery went well and completely to plan and she is back at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary recovering from her busy…
Orbit Update 27th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Orbit Update 38 days ago little Orbit arrived with us weighing just 200g. 9 days after arrival Orbit’s eye literally exploded! The eye was removed during emergency surgery and the following week he was on strong pain relief anc antibiotics. Fast forward a few weeks and here is little Orbit…
Nemo Update 27th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Nemo Update I can’t believe its 25 days since little Nemo came into our care at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary. Barely breathing, barely alive, wounded.. and just look at him now!! Naughty Nemo is now out of intensive care and looking forward to join his new family on…
Muriel Update 26th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Muriel Update Its 36 hours since Muriel arrived with us and yesterday she had radiographs on.her injured leg that was likely caused by a dog attack. Radiogra have revealed an oblique fracture of tibia and fibula which requires urgent surgery as injury is already 5 days old Our vets Northcote…
New Arrival: Muriel 25th Jul, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News, Pawspital - New Arrival: Muriel New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary yesterday.This is Muriel.Muriel was abandoned by her owner some time ago. A neighbour took her in and looked after her and has been feeding her regularly and offered refuge.Unfortunately a few days ago Muriel went "home" injured.She was…
Maggie and Mae 25th Jul, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Maggie and Mae New arrivals this week Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & SanctuaryThis is Maggie and Mae.This pair were found poorly on the streets of BD3. They both have suffered with extremely high body temperature and af one point too weak to walk. They have both turned a corner and…
New Arrival: Scamp 25th Jul, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Scamp This is little Scamp.Scamp is only around 7 weeks old and came to us via an emergency veterinary hospital. Scamp has serious health issues that are life threatening without the correct specialist nursing care, diet and future surgery. Scamp has a severe birth defect affecting his tail…
Happy 100th Birthday to our Purrrfect Companion! 25th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News, Purrfect Companions, Uncategorized - Happy 100th Birthday to our Purrrfect Companion! Today we have been visit our Purrfect Companion volunteer Kathleen who is an amazing 100 years old today! She was proud to show me her card from the King and Queen Consortmand "thinks that card is worth keeping". Kathleen lives with her 80…
Nemo Update 25th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Nemo Update Nemo updateI cant believe it's exactly 3 weeks since little Nemo came into our care at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary. Barely breathing, barely alive, wounded.. and just look at him now!Nemo was found wet through on the edge of Peel Park lake. Little Nemo is now…
Mildred Update 25th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Mildred Update It's 9 days since poor littke Mildred arrived with us. Lifeless, limp, dehydrated, malnourished, temperature and blood glucose levels so low they were unreadable. On Friday we removed her intravenous fluid therapy, and following over a week of intensive care on our Critical Care Ward at Bradford Cat…
Meadow Update 25th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News, Pawspital - Meadow Update Every night Meadow and I have bedtime snuggles after her supper feed. Meadow has been with us now 61 days following being bathed in bleach which her previous owners believed would kill the fleas she was infested with.. instead thd bleach nearly killed her. 61 days later and…
New Arrival: Whoopi 25th Jul, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Whoopi New arrival Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary.This is Whoopi.Whoopi was brought to us as she was a long term stray and her feeders were going on holiday. When Whoopi arrived with us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary she was heavily pregnant. Unfortunately she had…
New Arrival: Noah 25th Jul, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Noah New arrival at the weekend.This is Noah.Noah had been living outside a residential property for several weeks with his mum and sibling. Around 4 weeks ago his sibling and mum disappeared leaving Noah on his own.We were contacted on Sunday evening to see if we could help.…
Nectar Looking for her Home 21st Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Nectar Looking for her Home Little Nectar has been with us 6 weeks. We estimate Nectar to be around 9 years old. Yesterday she had major dental surgery as her teeth and gums were terribly diseased.Nectar is a sweet girl who is happy, content and playful. The only thing with…
Nemo Update 18th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Nemo Update 🩵Nemo update🩵Just 16 days after Hero Nemo was left fighting for his life, he has amazingly been given a clean bill of health. Today he had his remaining stitches removed, and started his big boy Vaccination programme.Its taken a lot of people to get Nemo well. First and…
Mildred Update 16th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Mildred Update What a difference 72 hours can make.. we picked her up lifeless, struggling to breathe, severely malnourished and dehydrated, subnormal temperature and glucose levels for 60 hours.. and just look at her now. She still has a way to go but we are more optimistic for a recovery…
Pierre – So you think this is cute?? 15th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Pierre - So you think this is cute?? So you think this is cute?? Pierre is one of 7 persians that came to us almost 2 weeks ago as a result of serious welfare concerns. Yesterday Pierre was neutered and also had surgery to allow him to breathe easier. This…
Mildred Update 15th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News, Pawspital - Mildred Update Little Mildred is a little brighter and responsive this morning Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary despite remaining critically ill. She is still struggling to regulate her body temperature and glucose levels and has much reduced mentation. This is likley to be a result of being so terribly…
New Arrival: Gloria 14th Jul, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals - New Arrival: Gloria This is Gloria. We were contacted yesterday by staff at Bradford College who had welfare concerns for this little kitten. For 12 hours volunteers attempted to catch her to secure her welfare and for 12 hours she had fun and games trying to outsmart us. Finally this…
New Arrival: Mildred 14th Jul, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals - New Arrival: Mildred This is Mildred. She is one of the poorliest kittens that we have had certainly in the Top 10 of 2023. Mildred was found in BD8 collapsed, dehydrated, anaemic, malnourished and barely alive. Her temperature and blood glucose is so low its unreadable. Mildred is currently receiving…
Meadow Update 13th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Meadow Update Just look at our bleach baby Meadow. Meadow has been at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary now for over 7 weeks and due to the extensive damage to her throat and mouth from being bathed in bleach, Meadow has not been able to eat since her arrival.…
Eddie Update 13th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Eddie Update Look who has been a brave boy!! Eddie has been in the vets all day . He had surgery to remove his very damaged snd non functional eye. Eddie is now back at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary resting and recovering.
Nemo Update 13th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Nemo Update Little Nemo has been in our care now 11 days since he was found lifeless wounded and wet through on the edge of Peel Park lake. Nemo really has overcome adversity and has had most of his stitches removed this morning. Some of the deeper wounds around his…
Remember Eddie? 13th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Remember Eddie? You may remember Eddie who arrived with us over 10 months ago a a teeny tiny kitten after he had been thrown at a wall. When he was around 12 weeks he was re-homed. Well a few weeks ago due to his owners serious illness Eddie came back…
Izzy Update 12th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Izzy Update Many of you will know that Izzy was booked in for emergency surgery today at Northcote Veterinary Surgery. Weighing just over 300g rams really did heighten the risks associated with anaesthesia but surgery was very important in minimising serious infection complications. Unfortunately Izzy didn't cope well with the…
New Arrival: Eliza 11th Jul, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals - New Arrival: Eliza This is Eliza. Eliza is around 4 to 5 months old and was left at the Sanctuary at some point last night or this morning. Eliza is a little nervous and will need all her checks at the vets prior to being considered for adoption.
New Arrival: Izzy 10th Jul, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals - New Arrival: Izzy This is little Izzy. Izzy was named by our amazing vet David at Northcote Veterinary Surgery. Izzy was taken in by a member of the public who found her on the street. Izzy weighs just 300g and had a serious eye injury. Within minutes of arrival at…
Nemo Update 9th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Nemo Update It's 1 week ago since we saved this little boys life. Lifeless, cyanosed and barely breathing little Nemo really suffered at the hands of monsters but thankfully he is well on the road to recovery now. He had 11 wounds that needed stitching, multiple other wounds of varying…
New Arrivals: Little Family 9th Jul, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals - New Arrivals: Little Family This little family came to us a couple of days ago through a third party due to serious welfare concerns. Despite their "desirable appearance" to many, they have multiple issues including catostrophic "plumbing issues" (reproductive and elimination) and neurological issues due to irresponsible breeding and unthinkable…
New Arrival: Peggy 8th Jul, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals - New Arrival: Peggy New arrival today Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary, This is little old Peggy. Peggy was handed into a vets in Leeds this week and whilst attempts have been made to find an owner it is likely she has been on the streets of leeds fighting for…
Orbit Update 8th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Orbit Update It's 10 days since tiny little Orbit had his right eye removed as it ruptured. As you can see he is very bright and happy despite having virtually no vision at at. Orbit remains in intensive care on our Critical Care Ward Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary…
Meadow Update 8th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Meadow Update It's now been 4 days since Meadow had her oesophageol Tube fitted so thatvwe can provide her with the best care and nutritional support. Meadow is bright as a button now and gaining weight nicely.Thank you to everyone who has supported Meadow so far.
Meadow Update 5th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Meadow Update Unfortunately Meadows mouth and throat is not healing as well as we had hoped and despite analgesia every time she are it re-trauma-ed her mouth and made it very painful. Yesterday we made the very difficult decision to have an oesophageol feeding tube fitted which is a much…
Nemo Update 5th Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Nemo Update We are delighted to tell you that Nemo survived the first critical 48 hours despite his horrific ordeal. Most of you will remember that on Sunday Night Nemo was found on the lakeside at Peel Park barely alive, wet through, cold and bleeding. We rushed him to Abbey…
Nemo Update 3rd Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Nemo Update It's just over 24 hours since Nemo arrived with us, blue, limp, wet through and bleeding.He was immediately transported on Oxygen therapy to Abbey House / Leeds Emergency Vets and has been there receiving critical care ever since.He was stabilised last night and has had xrays to confirm…
Nemo 2nd Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Nemo The weekend from hell at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary. After yesterdays terrible rescue experience as we unsuccessfully attempted to recucitate little Moses after fireservice retrived him out of the lake in a park in Bradford, we were not at all prepared for the events this tea We…
Moses: Our Worst Rescue Situation 2nd Jul, 2023 Posted in: News - Moses: Our Worst Rescue Situation We have just been involved in possibly the worst rescue situation in the history of Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary . Around 8.30pm last night we received a call of reports of a cat crying around the lake of a park. Within 5 minutes…
Meadow Update 29th Jun, 2023 Posted in: News - Meadow Update Our little Bleach Baby Meadow has been with Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary 37 days now. Her wounds / chemical burns are slowly starting to heal now and 48 hours ago we removed the feeding tube. Having an Nasogastric feeding tube in for 5 weeks is far…
Salty Update 29th Jun, 2023 Posted in: News - Salty Update Today Salty spent most of the day at Northcote Veterinary Surgery . Salty has finally had major dental surgery, infact, he has had all his remaining teeth removed. His entire mouth was so diseased and teeth full of cavities. When Salty arrived with us 31 days ago he…
Orbit Update 28th Jun, 2023 Posted in: News - Orbit Update When little Orbit arrived with us 9 days ago weighing just 200g we knew immediately that at some point when he was a little stronger he would most likely need one if not both his eyes removing. Over the last couple of days Orbit has been back and…
Rosa Update 27th Jun, 2023 Posted in: News - Rosa Update Its 5 days since Rosa had bery difficult and complex surgery lasting just under 3 hours. Look how amazing she looks already!! We are so very fortunate to have such a dedicated, skilled and knowledgeable veterinary team Northcote Veterinary Surgery. Gemma Townsend has been leading eye surgeon supported…
Salty Update 27th Jun, 2023 Posted in: News - Salty Update Its 29 days since Salty arrived with us. Emaciated, dehydrated and covered in cigerette burns. In 4 weeks Salty really has overcome adversity and has also put on almost 1kg in weight. Salty is now strong enough to under go an anesthetic tomorrow to have urgent dental surgery…
Dixons Academy Mental Health Wellbeing Event 26th Jun, 2023 Posted in: News - Dixons Academy Mental Health Wellbeing Event Today we have been to the amazing Dixons Academy 6th Form College. The College has been hosting a Mental Health Wellbeing Event for Students and Staff. All students and staff were remarkably kind, more compassionate and highy respectful. We spent time chatting about the…
New Arrival: Nectar 12th Jun, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Nectar This is Nectar. Nectar has apparently been stray for quite some time but has been fed in a property very regularly. They noticed Nectar wasnt well and contacted us! Nectar hasn't eaten or drunk for at least 4 days and in this heat that could be very…
Liam the Lion 12th Jun, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Liam the Lion This is Liam the Lion.Liam was brought to us unexpectedly late this afternoon. Liam was brought to us from BD3 with a very swollen and sore leg. He is not neutered or chipped and is very underweight Liam has has emergency treatment this evening and will be…
New Arrival: Little Puddle 12th Jun, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Little Puddle This is little Puddle. Puddle came to us as an emergency admission as she was failing to thrive. It would seem that Puddle has a number of neurological issues including ataxia, sight issues and reduced mentation which is likley to be caused by a condition called…
Meadow Update 12th Jun, 2023 Posted in: News, Pawspital - Meadow Update 20 days ago little Meadow arrived with us covered in what we believe was a bleach based product which her previous owner put on her in an attempt to kill fleas!! Unfortunately this almost killed Meadow! For the last 20 days we have been nursing Meadow around the…
Savoy 11th Jun, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Savoy This is little Savoy. Savoy came to us via another rescue referral with what was initially thought to be neurological issues. He was found in a garden in a wheelbarrow.It was soon established that his condition is far more serious. Savoy appears to have several possible fractures in all…
New(ish) Arrival: Skillet 11th Jun, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New(ish) Arrival: Skillet New(ish) arrival ..This is little Skillet.Poor Skillet came to Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary around a week ago from Leeds, following heartbreaking circumstances through the emergency services.Poor Skillet has suffered as a result of these circumstances is severely malnourished, has serious dental disease and infection and…
Priestley 9th Jun, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Priestley New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & SanctuaryThis is Priestley.Priestley has been living in an around land of the Bradford University Campus sites for several months.Priestley may have been snuck in by a student who has now gone home for the summer or she may have other circumstances…
Winnie 6th Jun, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Winnie This morning we received the following message at 10.34am…."Hi Kate, I've found a cat in my burn bin this morning, I've taken to **** she doesn't have a chip they sed she's malnourished but otherwise ok and have to release her, but she seems really weak and when I…
Little Meadow 3rd Jun, 2023 Posted in: News - Little Meadow Little Meadow has now been on our critical care ward in intensive care at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary almost 2 weeks. Though there was a language barrier when she arrived, we believe her previous owner bathed her in a bleach rich substance in an attempt to…
New Arrivals: Assorted Mints 31st May, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrivals: Assorted Mints New arrivals at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & SanctuaryThese our our "Assorted Mints" kittens. They actually arrived yesterday however we have been so busy we hsvent had time to tell you all about them. They were found motherless by council representatives dealing with a fly tipping…
The power of a microchip! 31st May, 2023 Posted in: News - The power of a microchip!!! Yesterday evening we have been called to a rescue of a cat that had been found 4 days ago but noone could access. As we knew the cat may be seriously injured or ill we spoke to the Fire service who came to assess the…
New Arrival: Fernando 27th May, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals - New Arrival: Fernando New arrival Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary.This is 1 year old Fernando.Fernando was a much loved pet however due to a worsening early onset dementia it was impossible for the owner to care for him. Fernando will now undergo health and social assessments and will not…
Roger Update 26th May, 2023 Posted in: News - Roger Update Little Roger has been with us 32 days…. since hewas around 3 weeks old.When he arrived we believed he had been run over or stamped on. What ever happened has caused lasting spinal injuries and he is unable to pee or poop without support. He spent the first…
Rosa’s Big Day Part 2 18th May, 2023 Posted in: News, Pawspital - Rosa’s Big Day Part 2 Rosa update14 weeks ago today little Rosa arrived with us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary, broken, burnt and barely alive. Against the odds, Rosa has fought an almost impossible battle and in this time her healing has been miraculous. Today Rosa underwent groundbreaking…
Rosa’s Big Day 18th May, 2023 Posted in: News, Pawspital - Rosa’s Big Day So, today is Rosas big day. We are having extra snuggles this morning in place of breakfast. Its exactly 14 weeks today since Rosa arrived with us. We were doubtful she would survive the first night and we cannot believe how far she has come….The surgery Rosa…
Humpty Dumpty’s Busy Morning 16th May, 2023 Posted in: News - Humpty Dumpty’s Busy Morning It has been busy morning for little Humpty Dumpty Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary . Despite HDs additional needs and been birn terribly prematurely, leaving him with brain damage, he is still a little boy and certain things still need taking care of!! HD is…
New Arrival: Little Istan 13th May, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals - New Arrival: Little Istan New arrival @Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary, This is little Istan. Istan is around 9 weeks old. Istan was handed to a police officer working in Bradford City Centre this afternoon. The person who handed him to to the officer asked her to hold the…
Rosa Update 12th May, 2023 Posted in: News - Rosa Update Yesterday marks 13 weeks since Rosa arrived at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary with horiffic burns to her head and all 4 legs. Her legs and head have miraculously healed so well however her eyes are still badly affected. In just 6 days time Rosa will undergo…
Little Sheeran 22nd Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Little Sheeran Poor little Sheeran is feeling a little sad tonight. He has had to be separated from his brothers and sisters; Ezra, Capaldi and Eyelash. This litter is motherless and we have been hand-rearing them for the last 3 weeks. Unfortunately for little Sheeran he has developed a bizarre…
Shaggy Update 22nd Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Shaggy Update We are delighted to tell you all that Shaggy has now been reunited with his owner and we have arranged neutering and a de-matt of his fur too. Shaggy is actually called Wolf and his owners have been trying really hard to arrange his neutering however their own…
Humpty Dumpty Update 20th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Humpty Dumpty Update We are often asked how get cats through the worst of conditions, illnesses and circumstances and I can honestly say, aside of the amazing veterinary support we received through Northcote Veterinary Surgery the other fundamental element of their recovery is simply NUTRITION. Bradford Cat Watch Rescue &…
New Arrival: Shaggy 20th Apr, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals - New Arrival: Shaggy New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary .This is "Shaggy". Shaggy has been hanging around Eccleshill area for months and was brought to us yesterday teatime by a concerned member of the public. We have followed up many missing cats in the area and reported…
Sweet Sylvester Update 20th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Sweet Sylvester Update SWEET Sylvester Update Sylvester has had his world turned upside down and inside out over the last few weeksPolice officers forced entry into a property with welfare concerns for the man who lived there.It is with great saddness that Sylvesters owner was found deceased and likely had…
New Arrival: Sylvester 17th Apr, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals - New Arrival: Sylvester New arrival Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & SanctuaryThis is sweet Sylvester. Sylvester has had his world turned uoside down and inside out. Police officers forced entry into a property with welfare concerns for the man who lived there. It is with great sadness that Sylvester's owner was…
Clara and Connie Update 15th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Clara and Connie Update Over the last 10 days, behind the scenes at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary I have made it my challenge to facilitate establishing a relationship between Clara and her kitten Connie. 11 days ago Connie was born by ceaserian and revived at birth. by the…
Caramel Update 15th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Caramel Update We are delighted to tell you that Caramel has now left Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary and now found her Purrfect and Furever home and is settling in just fine. We have (not surprisingly) received a lot of enquiries to adopt Caramel and Caramac simply due to…
Clarice Update 14th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Clarice Update Who remembers blind, 12 year old Clarice who was adopted 3 months ago? When Clarice came to us just before Christmas she was desperately ill and spent Christmas in intensive care. We have just had an update today from her lovely new owner to tell us about her…
Midnight and Moonlight Update 14th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Midnight and Moonlight Update You may remember Midnight and Moonlight, our beautiful black girlie sisters who gave birth to 12 kittens between them here at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary 3 days apart. The kittens are now 4 weeks old. Sadly in the first 2 weeks one of the…
Harry Update 14th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Harry Update Little Harry is now back at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary following his day put to the vets for major dental surgery. Harry is 16.5 years old and has just had 11 teeth removed due to severe dental disease. Harry was in excruciating pain and was unable…
Pollyanna Update 13th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Pollyanna Update Finally after 62 days of messy and intensive nursing at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary, Pollyanna our "Miniature Yorkshire Hairy Doll "has finally taken her first step towards preparing for adoption. When she arrived with is she was full of horrendous flu, malnourished, emaciated and dehydrated. Due…
Connie Update 13th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Connie Update Connie update.Its one week since little Connie was born by ceaserian at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary Sadly her mother Clara was unable to "parent" her as she had no milk production and repeatedly tried harming her. We have been nursing Connie every hour around the clock…
Humpty Dumpty Update 13th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Humpty Dumpty Update Humpty Dumpty Update. Many of you will be following our little HDs journey. Born several weeks premature, with no fur or facial features, skin like tissue paper and no suckle reflex. Hd was hand-reared and every month of his life there have been adversity for him to…
Caramel and Caramac Update 9th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Caramel and Caramac Update You may remember Caramel and Caramac that were left outside the rescue gates a while ago. We are delighted to tell you that they have both had the necessary veterinary care and that Caramac has left the care of the Sanctuary. We have yet to find…
New Arrival: Harry 9th Apr, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Harry Our volunteers Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary certainly have not been taking a break this Easter Weekend.With 92 cats currently in the Sanctuary care our volunteers have been super busy. Over the Easter Bank Holiday Harry came to us desperately ill and dehydrated and from a…
Connie 8th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Connie You may remember, earlier this week Clara who was found near the Sanctuary had an emergency ceaserian and she had one kitten that was successfully revived on delivery. We called her kitten Connie. Unfortunately Clara had no milk and was not particularly maternal in the first 24 hours though…
Happy 100, Winter! 8th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Happy 100, Winter! Happy 100 Winter!With a Spring in her step here is Winters Tail. It's now exactly 100 days exactly since I was presented with this lifeless little scrap at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary that was minutes from death, unconscious, so cold her temperature was undetectable ,…
Rosa Update 6th Apr, 2023 Posted in: News - Rosa Update 🧡ROSA UPDATE 🧡It is now 8 weeks since little Rosa arrived with us at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary .Whilst we dont know what exactly led to her horriffic injuries affecting her legs and face we have been literally nursing her around the clock for 4 weeks….…
Looking for Love: Jessie 6th Apr, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Looking for Love: Jessie ❤️Looking for love ❤️This is little Jessie. Jessie is just over a year old and has been in the rescue 10 weeks. Jessie really has been through the mill in the last few weeks. She arrived with us heavily pregnant and had a fairly traumatic birth.…
New Arrival: Clara 6th Apr, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: Clara A few days ago little Clara was found, distressed entangled in a hedge not too far from the Sanctuary. We immediately knew she was pregnant, made enquiries locally to see if she had an owner and it soon became evident that she was left outside with Annabelle…
Wilf Adopted! 2nd Apr, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Wilf Adopted! WILF UPDATE!!! We are delighted to tell our friends at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary that Wilf has been adopted after spending 53 days in the Sanctuary.
New Arrival: April 2nd Apr, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - New Arrival: April New arrival Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary, this is little April. April was found in a box on a busy road in Bradford yesterday. April is 3 - 4 weeks old and is really not very well. Her eyes are sore and she was quite dehydrated…
Caramac and Caramel 31st Mar, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals - Caramac and Caramel Did you know one of the hardest things we do at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary is say no!? Yesterday we received a phone call asking if we coukd take 2 bengals. Unfortunately we are full absolutely full and could not offer a safe space for…
Aslan Adopted! 31st Mar, 2023 Posted in: Adopted, News - Aslan Adopted! We are delighted to tell you all that after two corrective eye surgery procedures, a dental procedure including the removal of 13 teeth, our King Aslan has spent the last week settling in his new home. Despite previous behavioural / emotional issues in his foster home, Aslan has…
Humpty Dumpty Update 31st Mar, 2023 Posted in: News, Pawspital, Uncategorized - Humpty Dumpy Update Humpty Dumpty took a turn for the worse Tuesday morning and we rushed him up to the vets who looked after him all day. HD didnt have any specific symptoms, just a little dehydrated and mothers instinct that he wasnt quite right. Blood tests didnt show anthing…
Humpty Dumpty Update 28th Mar, 2023 Posted in: News - Humpty Dumpty Update Another busy night at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & Sanctuary Humpty Dumpty took.a turn for the worse this morning and we rushed him up to the vets who have looked after him all day. HD didnt have any specific symptoms… just a little dehydrated and mothers instinct…
Another Day Another Milestone – Rosa 28th Mar, 2023 Posted in: News - Another Day Another Milestone - Rosa Here is Rosa relaxing before bedtime. Rosa has had a busy day at the weekend. In the morning she went to see her friends and cheerleaders at Northcote Veterinary Surgery. The vet was so pleased with her continued progress that he felt it was…
Dinkie Dougie 26th Mar, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Dinky Dougie New arrival at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & SanctuaryThis is Dinky Dougie Dougie was found abandoned in a box in school playground in BD3. He is only around 2-3 weeks old and is underweight. Goodness knows what has happened to his mummy and siblings. Dougie is currently in…
Bertie and Betty Vaccinated 24th Mar, 2023 Posted in: News - Bertie and Betty Vaccinated Look who has been brave at the vets today? Bertie and Betty have been for their vaccinations today and despite their disabilities vaccination is a very important part of their care package. Bertie and Betty are not currently looking for a home. They remain in intensive…
Annabelle and her 4 kittens Anika, Arnold, Arthur and Alan 24th Mar, 2023 Posted in: New Arrivals, News - Annabelle and her 4 kittens Anika, Arnold, Arthur and Alan New arrivals at Bradford Cat Watch Rescue & SanctuaryThis is Annabelle and her 4 kittens Anika, Arnold, Arthur and Alan.They were dumped literally outside the rescue boundary one evening earlier this week in an open plastic stirage container. Both the…
Tippy 23rd Mar, 2023 Posted in: News, Paws at Peace - Tippy This week we have had the most devastating news to tell our friends. Unfortunately Tipple who is our longest - stay resident SENSE Cat and our first taste of dealing with cats with disabilities, broke our hearts on Monday. He has been with us 13 years. Tipple lost over…